Convert S-57 to S-101 Cell (Maritime)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией ArcGIS Maritime.

Краткая информация

Converts the S-57 vector product for storing nautical charting data to the new vector S-101 format.


  • If you want to load updates and you do not have a catalog file, the updates must be in the same folder as the .000 file. This allows the updates to be automatically applied during the loading process.

  • Catalog files are supported as an input format.

  • Once the tool runs successfully, a log file will be written to the output location with warning and error messages.


    These messages are expected in the log file, because S-57 features and attributes are no longer supported in S-101.

  • The S57to101Configuration.xml file in the resource folder allows you to customize configurable settings, such as dataset name, when converting to S-101.


    Each section in the S57to101Configuration.xml file has information about the section and how to populate the value.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
S-100 Feature Catalogue

An .xml file that follows the S-100 Feature Catalogue format as defined by the IHO. It describes the content of a data product and its specifications. The default file location for S-100 catalogue files is <installation location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version>\S-101\, provided the Maritime product files are installed.

Configuration File

The input .xml file that can be used to customize some aspects of the conversion process.

Input S-57 (File or Folder)

The input S-57 file with a .000 extension or a CATALOG.031 file that references a collection of S-57 files.

File; Folder
Output Location

The directory where the converted cell will be written.


Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Output S-101 Data

The full path of the converted S-101 cell if the input is a single S-57 dataset, or the output location if the input is a catalog file.

File; Folder

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно ArcGIS Maritime
  • Advanced: Обязательно ArcGIS Maritime

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