Generate Light Sector (Maritime)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией ArcGIS Maritime.

Краткая информация

Creates navigational light sector lines and arcs based on attributes in a specified point feature class.

Light sectors are used on nautical charts and depict the distance and direction that a navigational light can be seen at sea.


  • This tool works with features that have the LIGHTS subtype in the AidsToNavigationP feature class when the SECTR1 attributes value is populated.

  • The Sector Line Length and Sector Arc Radius parameter values can be derived from the Value of Nominal Range (VALNMR) field in the AidsToNavigationP feature class, a custom field in a table, or a custom value you provide.

  • Boundary lines and arcs can be created in page units or map units.

  • To use page units, the data must be projected and the reference scale must be set.

  • The tool writes the features to the LightSectors_L feature class, which must be present in the input features workspace.

  • The Coordinate System parameter is designed to be used in the application and will reference the projection of the current map.

  • If a script is run outside the application, it is recommended that you define the coordinate system or use the coordinate system from the map. Arcs may appear distorted if the Coordinate System parameter is not set.


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input Features

The feature class that contains the light features.

Feature Layer; Feature Class
Sector Line Length

The length of the boundary lines for the light sector. This is the line that appears on the chart. The value for the line length can be populated based on a specified value or from a field.

  • Double—The line length will be determined by the specified value.
  • Field—The line length will be determined by an appropriate field you are using for the line sectors. One field that can be used is Value of Nominal Range (VALNMR).
Double; Field
Sector Arc Radius

The value that represents where the radius for the line sectors will be generated in relation to the light. The arc falls between two boundaries of the light sector. The radius is generated at a distance from the light sector using the units of measurement you select. You can specify a value for the radius or choose a field in the feature class that contains the radius values.

  • Double—The radius will be generated based on the specified value.
  • Field—The radius will be generated based on the value in the specified field.
Double; Field
Sector Unit

Specifies the unit of measurement that will be used for the radius arc that extends between the two light sector boundaries.

To use page units, the map must be projected and the reference scale must be set.

  • Centimeters (page unit)The page units will be centimeters.
  • Decimal DegreesThe map units will be decimal degrees.
  • DecimetersThe map units will be decimeters.
  • FeetThe map units will be feet.
  • Inches (page unit)The page units will be inches.
  • KilometersThe map units will be kilometers.
  • MetersThe map units will be meters.
  • Millimeters (page unit)The page units will be millimeters.
  • Nautical MilesThe map units will be nautical miles.
  • Points (page unit)The page units will be points.
  • YardsThe map units will be yards.
Reference Scale

The scale at which the features will be generated when using page units.

Coordinate System

The coordinate system that will be used when creating the output features. The default is the current map coordinate system.

Coordinate System

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Output Feature Class

The output feature class that the light sector features will be written to.

Feature Class

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Нет
  • Standard: Обязательно ArcGIS Maritime
  • Advanced: Обязательно ArcGIS Maritime

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