Parse Path (ModelBuilder)

ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | | Архив справки

Краткая информация

The Parse Path tool parses the input into its file, path, name, or extension. The output can be used as inline variable in the output name of other tools.

Прежние версии:

This is a deprecated tool. This functionality has been replaced by the new Parse Path tool.


  • Этот инструмент доступен только из ModelBuilder для использования в моделях. Этот инструмент недоступен в панели Геообработка или в Python.

  • Parsing results are controlled by the Parse Type parameter. Example: If the input to the Parse Path tool is C:\ToolData\InputFC.shp, then

    Parse TypeResult
    File name and extension InputFC.shp
    File pathC:\ToolData
    File nameInputFC
    File extensionshp

  • The same functionality can be accessed in scripting with the Python os module. For example if you pass an input variable:

    Input = "C:\ToolData\InputFC.shp", then

    • To get the file InputFC.shp
      import os
    • To get the file path C:\ToolData
      import os
    • To get the file name InputFC
      import os
    • To get the file extension shp
      import os

  • The output of Parse Path is a string and cannot be connected directly as an input to the tools such as Create Feature Class in parameters like Feature Class Location which requires a workspace data type as input. Use %Value% inline variable substitution in such cases as shown below:

    Parse Path with Create Feature Class tool


ПодписьОписаниеТип данных
Input Values

Input values that you want to parse.

Any Value
Parse type

Specifies the parse type.

Given an input value of C:\ToolData\InputFC.shp:

  • File name and extensionOutput will be the file. Example: InputFC.shp
  • File pathOutput will be the file path. Example: C:\ToolData
  • File nameOutput will be the file name. Example: InputFC
  • File extensionOutput will be the file extension. Example: shp

Производные выходные данные

ПодписьОписаниеТип данных

Параметры среды

Этот инструмент не использует параметры среды геообработки

Информация о лицензиях

  • Basic: Да
  • Standard: Да
  • Advanced: Да

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