提供有关边源和交汇点源所使用的连通性策略的信息。名称中包含 "X" 的属性为动态属性。"X" 的可能值取决于其他属性。例如,对于给定的边源,connSubtypeX 和 connPolicyX 为动态属性,属性中的 X 表示特定的子类型。X 值的允许范围取决于 subTypeConnCount 属性。因此,如果边源具有两个子类型,那么它将支持 connSubtype0、connSubtype1、connPolicy0 和 connPolicy1 属性。
属性 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
usesSubtypes (只读) | 针对边源和交汇点源。 指示给定边源或交汇点源是否通过子类型确定连通性组和策略的布尔值。 | Boolean |
classConnectivity (只读) | 针对边源和交汇点源。 用于指示确定给定边源中的所有边元素或给定交汇点源中的交汇点元素彼此之间连接方式的策略。如果给定边源或交汇点源的 usesSubtypes 属性返回了 True,则不应将此属性用于确定连通性策略。在此情况下,应使用特定子类型的 connPolicyX 属性。 此属性返回以下边源关键字:
| String |
subtypeConnCount (只读) | 针对边源和交汇点源。 用于定义给定边源或交汇点源连通性策略的子类型总数。如果 usesSubtypes 属性返回 False,则此属性返回 0。 | Integer |
connSubtypeX (只读) | 针对边源和交汇点源。 用于定义给定边要素源或交汇点要素源的子类型的子类型代码。connSubtypeX 是一种动态属性,仅在 subTypeConnCount 值大于 0 时才受支持。 | Integer |
connPolicyX (只读) | 针对边源和交汇点源。 用于指示确定给定边源中特定子类型的所有边元素或给定交汇点源中特定子类型的所有交汇点元素彼此之间连接方式的策略。connPolicyX 是一种动态属性,仅在 subTypeConnCount 值大于 0 时才受支持。 此属性返回以下边源关键字:
| String |
defaultGroup (只读) | 仅限边源。 此边要素源所参与的连通性组。 如果 usesSubtypes 属性返回 True,则此属性返回 -1。在这种情况下,使用特定子类型的 groupNameX 属性。 | Integer |
groupCount (只读) | 仅限边源。 用于定义给定边源连通性组的子类型总数。如果 usesSubtypes 属性返回 False,则此属性返回 0。 | Integer |
groupSubtypeX (只读) | 仅限边源。 用于定义给定边要素源的子类型的子类型代码。groupSubtypeX 是一种动态属性,仅在 groupCount 值大于 0 时才受支持。 | Integer |
groupNameX (只读) | 仅限边源。 给定边要素源的特定子类型参与的连接组。groupNameX 是一种动态属性,仅在 groupCount 值大于 0 时才受支持。 | String |
defaultGroupsCount (只读) | 仅限交汇点源。 给定交汇点源所属连通性组的总数。如果 usesSubtypes 属性返回 True,则使用 subtypeXGroupsCount 属性确定给定交汇点源的特定子类型所属连通性组的总数。 如果 usesSubtypes 属性返回 True,则此属性返回 0。 | Integer |
defaultGroupNameX (只读) | 仅限交汇点源。 此交汇点要素源所参与的连通性组。defaultGroupNameX 是一种动态属性,仅在 defaultGroupsCount 值大于 0 时才受支持。X 值的允许范围取决于 defaultGroupsCount 属性。 | String |
subtypeGroupCount (只读) | 仅限交汇点源。 用于定义给定交汇点源连通性组的子类型总数。如果 usesSubtypes 属性返回 False,则此属性返回 0。 | Integer |
subtypeGroupX (只读) | 仅限交汇点源。 用于定义给定交汇点要素源的子类型(由 X 指示)的子类型代码。subtypeGroupX 是一种动态属性,仅在 subtypeGroupCount 值大于 0 时才受支持。 | Integer |
subtypeXGroupsCount (只读) | 仅限交汇点源。 给定交汇点源的特定子类型(由 X 指示)所属连通性组的总数。subtypeXGroupsCount 是一种动态属性,仅在 subTypeGroupCount 值大于 0 时才受支持。 | Integer |
subtypeXGroupNameX (只读) | 仅限交汇点源。 给定边要素源的特定子类型参与的连接组。groupNameX 是一种动态属性,仅在 groupCount 值大于 0 时才受支持。 | String |
# Name: NDSConnectivityPolicies_ex01.py
# Description: Prints out the connectivity policy information about the
# edge sources for a given network dataset
import arcpy
import sys
# Set workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/Paris.gdb/Transportation"
#Create a Describe object from the network dataset
desc = arcpy.Describe("ParisMultimodal_ND")
justify = 35
print("------- Edge sources")
# Get all the edge sources for the network dataset
edgeSources = desc.edgeSources
#If there are no edge sources, quit
if not edgeSources:
print("%*s" % (justify, "(No edge sources)"))
for edgeSource in edgeSources:
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Source Name" , edgeSource.name))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Source ID" , str(edgeSource.sourceID)))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Source Type", edgeSource.sourceType))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Element Type", edgeSource.elementType))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "From Elevation Field",
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "To Elevation Field",
# Get connectivity information
conn = edgeSource.connectivityPolicies
# Check if subtypes are used for edge sources to define connectivity groups
#and policies
bUseSubtypes = conn.usesSubtypes
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Connectivity defined by subtype?",
#Print connectivity policy information depending on the use of subtypes
if not bUseSubtypes:
print("%*s: %s" %(justify,"Connectivity Policy",conn.classConnectivity))
# Connectivity policy by subtype
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Number of subtypes",
for i in range(0, conn.subtypeConnCount):
subtypeCode = getattr(conn, "connSubtype" + str(i))
policy = getattr(conn, "connPolicy" + str(i))
print(" %*s: %s" %(justify, "Subtype Code",subtypeCode))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "... has connectivity policy", policy))
# Print connectivity Group information depending on the use of subtypes
if not bUseSubtypes:
print("%*s: %s" % (justify,"Belongs to Connectivity Group",
# Connectivity group by subtype
print(" %*s: %s" %(justify,"Number of subtypes for connectivity groups",
for i in range(0, conn.groupCount):
subtypeCode = getattr(conn, "groupSubtype" + str(i))
name = getattr(conn, "groupName" + str(i))
print( "%*s: %s" %(justify,"Subtype Code", subtypeCode))
print("%*s: %s" %(justify,"... belongs to connectivity group",name))
print(" ")
# Name: NDSConnectivityPolicies_ex02.py
# Description: Prints out the connectivity policy information about the
# junction sources for a given network dataset
import arcpy
import sys
# Set workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Data/Paris.gdb/Transportation"
#Create a Describe object from the network dataset
desc = arcpy.Describe("ParisMultimodal_ND")
justify = 35
print("------- Junction sources")
#Get all the junction sources for the network dataset
junctions = desc.junctionSources
#If there are no junction sources, quit
if not junctions:
print(" %*s" % (justify, "(No junction sources)"))
for junction in junctions:
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Source Name" , junction.name))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Source ID" , str(junction.sourceID)))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Source Type", junction.sourceType))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Element Type", junction.elementType))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify, "Elevation Field",
# system junctions do not support connectivity information
sourcetype = junction.sourceType
if sourcetype.lower() != "junctionfeature":
#Get the connectivity policies
conn = junction.connectivityPolicies
if not conn:
# Connectivity can be defined based on subtypes
bUseSubtypes = conn.usesSubtypes
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify + 5, "Connectivity defined by subtype?" ,
if not bUseSubtypes:
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify + 5, "Connectivity policy" ,
outtext = "Belongs to %d different connectivity groups" % conn.defaultGroupsCount
print(" %*s" % (justify + 5, outtext))
defgrouplist = []
for i in range(0,conn.defaultGroupsCount):
defgrouplist.append(str(getattr(conn, "defaultGroupName" + str(i))))
print("%*s: %s" % (justify + 5,"... belongs to connectivity group(s)",
" ".join(defgrouplist)))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify + 5, "Number of subtypes" ,
for i in range(0, conn.subtypeConnCount):
st = getattr(conn, "connSubtype" + str(i))
policy = getattr(conn,"connPolicy" + str(i))
print(" ")
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify + 10, "Subtype value" , st))
print(" %*s: %s" % (justify + 10, "...has connectivity policy" ,
for i in range(0, conn.subtypeGroupCount):
stGroup = getattr(conn, "subtypeGroup" + str(i))
print(" %*s: %d" % (justify + 10, "Subtype value", stGroup))
count = getattr(conn, "subtype" + str(i) + "GroupsCount")
grouplist = []
for j in range(0, count):
key = getattr(conn,"subtype%dGroupName%d" % (i,j))
print(" %*s %s" % (justify + 10, "...belongs to connectivity group(s)",
" ".join(grouplist)))
print(" ")