Quick Export (Data Interoperability)

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需要 Data Interoperability 许可。


Converts one or more input feature classes or feature layers into any format supported by the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension.


  • This tool is used to either export data from ArcGIS or as the final step in a model or script where the destination data is nonnative to ArcGIS.

  • This tool creates a default output schema for the format you choose to write. If the output requires schema changes then you should consider using Spatial ETL tools.

  • This tool does not honor the Geoprocessing overwrite setting.

  • This tool is most often used to create non-Esri data formats, but it also can create native Esri formats. You can view all export formats in the Formats Gallery accessible from this tool.

  • Bezier curves are transformed into line features for output.


QuickExport(Input, {Output})

The feature layers or feature classes that will be exported from ArcGIS.

Feature Layer

The format and dataset to which the data will be exported.

If the destination is a file with a well-known file extension, it can be given as-is. For instance, "c:\data\roads.gml".

If the destination is not a file, or the file has an unknown extension, the format can be given as part of the argument, separated by a comma. For instance, "MIF,c:\data\". The names for supported formats can be found in the formats gallery, by opening up this tool in dialog mode and clicking the browse button.

Additional format-specific parameters can be added after the dataset, separated by a comma. However, the syntax can be complex, so if this is required it is easiest to run the tool using its dialog and copy the Python syntax from the Results window.

Interop Destination Dataset


QuickExport example (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the QuickExport function.

# Name: QuickExport_Ex_01.py
# Description: Buffers any layer and exports it to GML.
# Requirements: Data Interoperability Extension

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Check out the Data Interoperability Extension

# Set local variables
tmp_buffered = "c:/Project/tmp_buffered.shp"
tmp_dissolved = "c:/Project/tmp_dissolved.shp"
output_dataset = "GML2,c:/data/buffered.gml"
input_features = "C:/Project/roads.shp"

# Execute Buffer
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(input_features, tmp_buffered, "10.000000 Meters", "FULL", "ROUND", "NONE")

# Execute Dissolve
arcpy.Dissolve_management(tmp_buffered, tmp_dissolved)

# Execute Quick Export
arcpy.QuickExport_interop(tmp_dissolved, output_dataset)


  • Basic: 需要 Data Interoperability
  • Standard: 需要 Data Interoperability
  • Advanced: 需要 Data Interoperability
