An overview of the Analysis toolset

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The Analysis toolset contains tools to evaluate demographic attributes of market areas, customer distributions, stores, and facility networks.

When taking an in-depth look at the characteristics of stores, customers, or both, tools in the Analysis toolset allow you to identify and target your customers, find new store locations and potential sites based on existing sites, and extract business data based on custom trade areas.


Calculate Market Penetration

Calculates the market penetration based on the number of customers within an area compared to a demographic variable such as total population.

Color Coded Layer

Creates a multigeography-level, scale-dependent choropleth layer from a variable describing a business, demographic, consumer, or landscape characteristic.

Enrich Layer


Generate Desire Lines

Creates a series of lines from each customer to an associated store location. These lines are often called spider diagrams.

Generate Points from Business Listings

Creates a point feature layer from a business point location search.
