获得 Business Analyst 许可后可用。
Generates a layer that displays the gap between total customers and expected customers.
This tool requires a locally installed Business Analyst dataset.
Ensure that your input profiles were built with the same source Business Analyst dataset that is active when using this tool.
The input boundary layer defines the extent of the output layer and optional report.
The Target Profile parameter typically defines the segmentation distribution of your customers. Target profiles can be created with the Target Marketing wizard or the Generate Customer Segmentation Profile tool.
The Base Profile parameter defines the segmentation distribution of your overall market. The quantity in each segment represents a user-selected base, such as households or adult population. Base profiles can be created with the Target Marketing wizard or the Generate Market Area Segmentation Profile tool.
arcpy.ba.AnalyzeMarketAreaGap(customer_layer, target_profile, base_profile, geography_level, out_feature_class, target_group, core_target, developmental_target, {boundary_layer}, {create_report}, {report_title}, {report_folder}, {report_format})
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
customer_layer | A point layer representing customers. | Feature Layer |
target_profile | A segmentation profile representing the segments to be analyzed. The target profile usually represents your customer segmentation profile. | File |
base_profile | A segmentation profile representing the base profile segments. This is the segmentation used for comparison. The base profile usually represents your market area segmentation profile. | File |
geography_level | The geography level that will be used to define the market area gap analysis layer. | String |
out_feature_class | The output feature class containing the market area gap analysis. | Feature Class |
target_group | A collection of segments grouped into targets. Targets represent segments that are selected based on similar characteristics—for example, segments that have high index and percent composition. | File |
core_target | A group of segments that make up a large percentage of your customer base and have an above average index, indicating likelihood to be a customer. | String |
developmental_target | A group of segments that make up a significant percentage of your customers and of the market area but do not have an above average index. | String |
boundary_layer (可选) | The boundary that determines the layer extent. If not specified, the entire country will be used. | Feature Layer |
create_report (可选) | Specifies whether a gap analysis report will be created.
| Boolean |
report_title (可选) | The title of the report. | String |
report_folder (可选) | The output location where the report will be saved. | Folder |
report_format [report_format,...] (可选) | The report output format. The default value is PDF. Additional available formats are XLSX, HTML, CSV, and PAGX. | String |
名称 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
output_report | The output report file. | File |
The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the AnalyzeMarketAreaGap function.
import arcpy
arcpy.ba.AnalyzeMarketAreaGap("cust_layer", r"C:\Users\MyProject\customerprofile.sgprofile", r"C:\Users\MyProject\MarketAreaprofile.sgprofile", "US.ZIP5", r"C:\Users\MyProject\MyProject.gdb\MarketPotential","target group", "core target", "dev target", r"C:\Users\MyProject\MyProject.gdb\StudyArea", "CREATE_REPORT", '', r"C:\Users\MyProject\Reports", "PDF")
- Basic: 需要 Business Analyst
- Standard: 需要 Business Analyst
- Advanced: 需要 Business Analyst