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可用于具有 Indoors 扩展模块许可的 ArcGIS 组织。

产品数据文件提供一个框架,通过确保室内 GIS 的标准化和一致性快速提高工作效率。 预配置的地图模板、属性规则、符号系统、拓扑和质量检查有助于制作高质量创作内容,以用于发布地图、执行分析和在整个组织共享结果。

ArcGIS Pro product data files work with the extension. Once ArcGIS Pro and the extension are installed and authorized, you can download and install the product data files.


Downloads can be viewed after you sign in to My Esri.


You must have the appropriate privileges to access downloads from your My Esri account.

  1. Sign in to My Esri.
  2. Click the My Organizations tab.
  3. Click the Downloads tab.

    The Products page appears.

  4. Click View Downloads in the ArcGIS Pro row.

    The Download Components tab appears. The downloadable components are organized by node.

  5. 数据和内容节点中,找到 ArcGIS Indoors 所在的行,然后单击下载

    Expand the Data and Content node, if necessary.

    The product files installer download begins.


The product data files download contains the setup program.

  1. Start the extraction program you downloaded in the previous steps.
  2. Optionally, change the destination folder for the extraction.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Close.

    The Launch the setup program check box is checked by default and starts the product file installation.


    To run the setup program later, uncheck Launch the setup program before clicking Close. You need to browse to the installer destination folder to launch the installer (.msi file) at a later time.

    The setup program Destination Folder page appears with the default installation location shown:

    C:\Users\Public\Public Documents

  5. Review the license agreement and accept it if you agree.
  6. Optionally, click Change to choose a different destination folder.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Install.
  9. Click Finish.

    The product files are installed to the chosen location.

ArcGIS Indoors 产品文件夹

ArcGIS Indoors 产品文件安装程序包含用于室内数据和地图制作的产品文件。 ArcGIS Indoors 的产品文件安装程序用于将以下文件夹复制到安装文件夹:

<installation location>\Indoors\Product Files\<Version>

  • 属性规则
  • 地图模板
  • 质量检查
  • 示例工程
  • 符号系统
  • Topology