Vertical routes

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适用于 Location Referencing 许可。

Vertical geometries are supported throughout ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing. You can use centerlines with vertical segments to create and edit existing routes in your LRS Network. You can locate events on these vertical route segments as well for use in analysis and LRS data reporting.

Loading and calibration of vertical geometries

Vertical routes or routes with vertical segments are loaded into the LRS using the Append Routes tool. There are no additional rules for loading these routes, as their geometries are processed the same way as nonvertical routes.

There are no additional requirements for placing calibration points on vertical routes aside from the minimum two calibration points required to calibrate any route. You can place calibration points at the end or anywhere along the vertical segments of a route to refine calibration.

Visualization and edits to vertical geometries

You can visualize and edit centerlines, routes, and events with vertical segments in 3D using local scenes in ArcGIS Pro. When you add LRS data such as centerlines, calibration points, LRS Networks, and LRS events to a local scene, the Location Referencing tab appears in your ArcGIS Pro project. You can use any of the LRS tools to make edits on vertical centerlines, including creating, realigning, or reassigning routes; adding, editing, or deleting calibration points; or splitting centerlines and identifying routes.

Apply z-values to existing LRS data

All LRS data in Pipeline Referencing is z aware. When source data doesn’t have z-values populated, a value of 0 is placed on each vertex of centerlines, routes, and events.

Complete the following steps to add z-values to existing LRS data and to load them into your LRS Network:

  1. Add z-values to existing centerlines in your LRS.

    For example, you can use an ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension tool such as Update Feature Z, along with a digital elevation model (DEM) or digital terrain model (DTM), to add z-values.

  2. Once z-values are on the centerlines, run Generate Routes on your LRS Network to add the z-values to your routes.
  3. Use Generate Events to add z-values to your events.

    This process won’t update the measures on existing calibration points, which must be done separately.

Requirements to visualize and edit LRS data in a local scene

Visualizing and editing data in local scenes in ArcGIS Pro can be an intensive process. It is recommended that minimum suggested hardware requirements be met for any machine using local scenes in ArcGIS Pro.

Use this Can You Run It utility to see how your machine’s hardware and system software compare to the suggested requirements.