An overview of the Analysis toolset

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The Analysis toolset contains tools that examine, analyze, and enhance aviation content.

Tool nameDescription

Analyze Airport Features

Analyzes specified point features around an airfield to find and record information such as distance from a given runway centerline or the end of the nearest runway, and the designation for that nearest runway.

Analyze LAS Runway Obstacles

Analyzes lidar data and obstruction identification surfaces (OIS) to determine if lidar points are penetrating.

Analyze Runway Obstacles

Analyzes obstacle data and obstruction identification surfaces (OIS) to determine if obstacles are penetrating.

Generate OIS Obstacle Data

Generates a JSON string that is stored in the OBSTACLEJSON field on the input Obstruction Identification Surface (OIS) multipatch feature class that contains the data necessary to depict obstacles to safety of flight within the approach surfaces (in the form of points, lines, or polygons) in the Terrain and Obstacle Profile layout element.

Generate OIS Profile Data

Generates a JSON string that is stored in the PROFILEJSON field on the input Obstruction Identification Surface multipatch feature class that contains the data necessary to depict the terrain, runway, and OIS in the Terrain and Obstacle Profile layout element.
