Generate Aviation Cartographic Features (Aviation)

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获得 Aviation Charting 许可后可用。


Creates cartographic copies of features based on the area of interest they fall into.

Optionally, copies can also be created based on attribute queries that further refine the criteria for candidate features or manual inclusion or exclusion of features.


  • The extraction query and the inclusion/exclusion table will be populated by separate ArcGIS Aviation tools.

  • The extraction query and the inclusion/exclusion table are included in the ArcGIS Aviation charting workspace schema.


Source and Target Cartographic Features

Associates source feature classes with the cartographic feature classes in which they will be generating features.

The first row is the source feature class to copy from, and the second row is the target cartographic feature class to copy features to.

Value Table
Area of Interest Features

A layer of area of interest (AOI) polygon features, that is used to spatially filter source features.

Feature Layer
Extraction Query Table

A table of where clauses to further filter source features based on an attribute query.

Table View
Cartographic Exceptions Table

A table identifying manually included or excluded source features.

Table View


Updated Cartographic Feature Classes

The updated cartographic feature classes.

Feature Class




  • Basic: 否
  • Standard: 需要 ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: 否
