An overview of the Configuration toolset

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The Configuration toolset contains tools that allow you to create and modify an LRS, LRS Networks, and LRS events, as well as configure a utility network for use with an LRS.


Configure Utility Network Feature Class

Configures a Utility Network pipeline feature class for use with a linear referencing system (LRS).

Remove LRS Entity

Removes a linear referencing system (LRS) entity from an input geodatabase workspace.

Tools in the Configuration toolset



The LRS toolset contains tools to create or modify an LRS.

LRS Event

The LRS Event toolset contains tools to create or modify an LRS event.

LRS Intersection

The LRS Intersection toolset contains tools to create and modify an LRS intersection.

LRS Network

The LRS Network toolset contains tools that allow you to create and modify LRS Networks.

Toolsets in the Configuration toolset