Create LRS Intersection From Existing Dataset (Location Referencing)

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Registers an existing intersection feature class as an intersection.


  • The projected coordinate system of the intersecting feature classes must match that of the Parent LRS Network parameter value.

  • The Parent LRS Network parameter value can be used as an intersecting layer, so the intersections produced will be between the routes in a network.

  • The Parent LRS Network parameter value cannot be a feature service.

  • The Intersection Feature Class parameter value and the intersecting layers must be in the same geodatabase as the Parent LRS Network parameter value.

  • The name of the intersection is created by concatenating the Network Description Field parameter value with the Description Field value in the Intersecting Layers parameter, separated by the Name Separator value in the Intersecting Layers parameter.

  • The Intersection Feature Class fields must include the properties outlined in the LRS data model.

  • The Intersecting Layers parameter value must be z-enabled.


Parent LRS Network

The network to which the intersection will be registered.

Feature Layer
Network Description Field

The field in the network layer that will be used to name the intersections with other intersecting layers.

Intersection Feature Class

The input point feature class to be registered.

Feature Layer
Intersection ID Field

The ID field in the Intersection Feature Class. The field must have a unique ID for each intersection for a time slice.

Intersection Name Field

The field in the Intersection Feature Class that is a concatenated field showing the descriptors for the route and the intersecting feature.

Route ID Field

The field in the Intersection Feature Class that contains the route ID for the LRS Network.

Feature ID Field

The field in the Intersection Feature Class that contains the ID for the intersecting feature.

Feature Class Name Field

The field in the Intersection Feature Class that contains the name of the feature class that participated in the intersection.

From Date Field

The from date field in the Intersection Feature Class.

To Date Field

The to date field in the Intersection Feature Class.

Intersecting Layers

The feature class that intersects the LRS Network and contains the following information:

  • Intersection Layer—The feature class that intersects the LRS Network.
  • ID Field—The field in the intersecting layer used to uniquely identify the feature that intersects the network.
  • Description Field—The field that provides the description, such as town or county name, of the intersecting feature.
  • Name Separator—The name separator for the intersection, such as AND, INTERSECT, +, or |.
Value Table
Consider z-values when generating intersections

Specifies whether z-values will be used when generating intersections.

  • Checked—Z-values will be used during generation of intersections.
  • Unchecked—Z-values will not be used during generation of intersections. This is the default.
Z Tolerance

The z-tolerance used to generate intersections.

Measure Field

The measure on the base route at the point of intersection.



Output Details File

The output feature class detailing the changes made to the Intersection Feature Class.

Feature Class




  • Basic: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
