Create LRS (Location Referencing)

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Creates a linear referencing system (LRS) and minimum schema items in a specified workspace.


  • The minimum schema items created are the Centerline, Centerline Sequence, Calibration Point, and Redline feature classes.

  • The names for the LRS, centerline, calibration point, redline, and centerline sequence should be unique and not already exist in the geodatabase.

  • The spatial reference, tolerance, and resolution inputs will be applied to all output feature classes.

  • If the input location is a feature dataset, the spatial reference, tolerance, and resolution of the feature dataset must match that of the inputs for the tool.

  • The xy- and z-tolerance must be at least twice as large as the xy- and z-resolution.


Input Location

The file or multipurpose geodatabase where the LRS and minimum schema will be created.

Workspace; Feature Dataset
LRS Name

The name of the output LRS.

Centerline Feature Class Name

Name of the output centerline feature class.

Calibration Point Feature Class Name

Name of the output calibration point feature class.

Redline Feature Class Name

Name of the output redline feature class.

Centerline Sequence Table Name

Name of the output centerline sequence table.

Spatial Reference

The spatial reference for the output feature classes. When executing from a Python script, you can use the Well Known ID (WKID) for the spatial reference.

Spatial Reference
XY Tolerance

The xy-tolerance of the output feature classes.

Linear Unit
Z Tolerance

The z-tolerance of the output feature classes.

Linear Unit
XY Resolution

The xy-resolution of the output feature classes.

Linear Unit
Z Resolution

The z-resolution of the output feature classes.

Linear Unit


Updated Input Location

The updated LRS workspace.

Workspace; Feature Dataset
Output Centerline Feature Class

The updated centerline feature layer.

Feature Class
Output Calibration Point Feature Class

The updated calibration point feature layer.

Feature Class
Output Redline Feature Class

The updated redline feature layer.

Feature Class
Output Centerline Sequence Table

Updated centerline sequence table.





  • Basic: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
