Generate Intersections (Location Referencing)

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适用于 Location Referencing 许可。


Generates new intersections and updates existing intersections.

Learn more about generating and updating intersections in Pipeline Referencing or generating and updating intersections in Roads and Highways.


  • Intersection Layer is a point feature class created by the Create LRS Intersection tool that stores the LRS intersection data. This feature class is updated as the result of running this tool.

  • The Network Layer parameter value is a polyline feature class that stores the LRS Network data. You can select routes from this feature class to update their intersections. Definition filters on the network layer are also considered.

  • The route selection or definition filters are only considered if a Network Layer value is defined in the tool.

  • The Start Date parameter is used to update intersections on the routes that have been edited since the defined date.

  • You can enable editor tracking for the network layer. Editor tracking is used to find the added, updated, or edited features. Using editor tracking in conjunction with the Start Date parameter value, you can update only those intersections that have changed since the Start Date provided by the user. This may result in faster performance.

  • If the Only use routes edited by current user parameter is checked, only routes edited by the present user in the current version, as identified by ArcGIS editor tracking, will have intersections updated. For a dataset in a file geodatabase, the intersections are updated for routes that are edited by the current Windows user. Editor tracking must be enabled for the network feature class to use this functionality.

  • The routes to be processed for updating the intersections are identified based on the route selection, route definition query, date selection, and the Only use routes edited by current user parameter value. If you have provided these values, only the routes that fulfill all four conditions will be processed for updating intersections.

  • Intersections are not generated at the self-intersecting locations of a route.


Intersection Feature Class

The input LRS intersection feature class or layer.

Feature Layer
Network Layer

The input LRS Network feature class or layer.

Feature Layer
Start Date

Filters routes that have been edited after a certain date so that intersections can be generated.

Only use routes edited by current user

Specifies whether intersections will be generated only for routes edited and locked by the current user.

  • Checked—Intersections will be generated only for routes edited by the current user. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Intersections will be generated for all edited routes.


Updated Intersection Feature Class

The updated LRS intersection feature class or layer.

Feature Layer
Output Details File

A text file that details changes made by the tool.


此工具的验证结果将写入 ArcGIS Server 目录。 默认情况下,此文件会在 10 分钟内自动清除,这可能不足以处理所有验证并将其写入正在运行 ArcGIS Pro 的工作站。 对于较大的数据负载,建议您将文件最长保留期限调整为至少一小时。

Text File




  • Basic: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
