Translate Event Measures (Location Referencing)

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适用于 Location Referencing 许可。


Translates the measures (m-values) of a point or line event layer from one linear referencing method (LRM) to another.

A use case for this tool would be to translate event data from a mile-based network to a kilometer-based network.

In addition to measures, the route associations of the event features may also be different between the two LRMs. The output of this tool is a feature class with the correct measures and route associations of the target LRS Network.


  • The input event layer must be a point or line feature class.

  • This tool does not modify either input and will create a feature class as an output.

  • This tool supports one temporal representation at a time. Create a time-based definition query or apply a time-based selection set to the input event layer as well as the target LRS Network before running this tool. The time slider in ArcGIS Pro can also be used if time is configured for both of the input layers.

  • This tool supports translating events against routes with gaps.

  • If the target network is an LRS line network, also known as an engineering network, the input event layer can be translated even if the original network of the input event layer does not support the concept of lines.

  • The output feature class type—line or point—must match the input event layer type.

  • The tolerance and resolution settings for the input event layer should match those of the target LRS Network.

  • To identify matching conditions that occur during the translation, a field called Loc_Error is created in the output feature class containing values such as Multi-Match, Partial Match, No Match, and No Error.

  • The attribute fields of the input event layer are included in the output feature class.

  • If the target LRS Network contains concurrent routes, use the Concurrent Route Matching option.

  • If Route with matching Route ID is used with Concurrent Route Matching, the input event layer must be registered as an LRS event layer in ArcGIS Location Referencing.

  • This tool will perform a spatial overlay of the input event layer onto the target LRS Network to generate features for the input event along the target network. These features will contain the Route ID and measure information of that location on the route.

  • The input event layer and the target network should only represent a single point in time to obtain an accurate output. If the input event layer represents multiple points in time, set a filter using the time slider or use a definition query on the date columns.

  • The output data can be added to a new or existing LRS event by using the Append Events tool. If the input event layer contained multiple temporal representations and resulted in running this tool multiple times with different date filters, each of the outputs can be added to a single LRS event feature class using Append Events.


Source Event Layer

The input event layer to be translated.

Feature Layer
Input Target Route Features

The target LRS Network against which the input events will be translated.

Feature Layer
Output Event Layer

The output feature class that will contain the translated event features.

Feature Class
Concurrent Route Matching

Specifies the method used to determine which route to translate the event against when concurrent routes exist in the target LRS Network. This parameter is only applied when the location of the event translation on the target LRS Network has concurrent routes (routes that share a location).

  • Any concurrent routeThe input event layer is translated against the first of two or more concurrent routes found in the target LRS Network.
  • Route with matching RouteIDThe Route ID of the source event is compared to the Route IDs of concurrent routes in the target LRS Network. The source event will translate based on Route ID matches in the source event and target network. The Route IDs of the input event and target LRS Network must be an exact match for this method to correctly translate the event. The input event layer must also be a registered LRS event to use this method.
  • All concurrent routesThe input event is translated against all the concurrent routes at that location in the target LRS Network.




  • Basic: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: 需要 ArcGIS Location Referencing
