Get started with Business Analyst

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获得 Business Analyst 许可后可用。

There are a few features that will help you familiarize yourself with the types of data available and analysis you can do with Business Analyst as you're getting started.


Ensure your data is installed and licensed properly or connected to ArcGIS Online.

Get started with the Business Analysis menu

These features will help you begin using data from the Business Analyst data package or ArcGIS Online services.

Color Coded Layer—Create single-variable choropleth maps at multiple geographic scales. Select a variable of interest using the Data Browser, and the tool automatically adds every geographic scale to the map for your country so the visualization changes dynamically as you zoom in and out.

This tool highlights the capabilities for Business Analyst to support analysis at all geographic scales.

Evaluate Site—Add a site to the map using embedded search capability or clicking the map. Generate a trade area around the site and choose to enrich or generate infographics or reports for that site.

This tool highlights the capabilities of analyzing sites in Business Analyst and supports organizations with hundreds or thousands of sites.

Business and Facilities Search—Search 超过 1300 万 business records by name, category, or NAICS code and add them to the map as feature layers to include in further analysis.

This tool highlights how you can integrate POI data for context in your analysis or supplement your own authoritative industry location data.

Get started with geoprocessing tools

Enrich Layer— Accurately estimate statistics across any geography. This tool allows you to append key demographic, psychographic, behavioral, or business data to any input polygon feature using an easy-to-navigate data browser with variables organized by topics.
