LRS network

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适用于 Location Referencing 许可。

ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing supports three types of networks: linear referencing system (LRS) networks, LRS line networks, and LRS derived networks.

LRS 网络

LRS 网络是根据特定线性参考方法 (LRM) 测量的路线集合。



LRS 网络

LRS 线网络

LRS 线网络是根据测量值可单调递增或递减的线进行的路线逻辑分组。 此类网络支持跨越路线的事件,还支持方程



LRS 线网络

路径 ID路径名称线顺序线 ID线名称





线 A


路线 2



线 A





线 A

LRS 派生网络

派生网络是基于线网络生成的网络。 在派生网络中,将合并属于同一条线的路线,以创建一条起始测量值为 0 的路线。


可使用工程站网络要素类作为父网络,来派生连续网络路线。 派生网络为测量值连续的路线集合,例如物理管道的非分支化管段。 这些测量值之后可用于长度报告和动态分段分析。

LRS 派生网络

Why are different types of LRS networks needed?

Pipeline Referencing supports multiple linear referencing in a single geodatabase. Business units in an organization may need to report measures in many different LRMs. For example, engineering and construction may need to collect, maintain, and report events in engineering measures (also known as engineering stations), whereas other business entities need to report measures based on the continuous length of the pipe.

Location Referencing currently does not have a limit for the number of networks that you can create in a linear referencing system (LRS). However, the type of LRS Networks you need depends on your organization’s business process. Consider the following business case:

In a pipeline organization, there are three business units that collect, manage, and maintain pipeline assets. These three business units are surveying, engineering and construction, and regulatory and compliance.

The surveying group is in charge of collecting inline inspection (ILI) data, whereas the engineering and construction group is responsible for new construction, realignments, and work order management. The regulatory and compliance group is tasked with submitting and generating reports for the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and other government entities.

In this case, three types of LRS networks are needed to sustain each of the three business units.

When are different types of LRS networks required?

Every organization's business processes are different. If your business process only requires one type of network, you do not have to configure multiple LRS Networks. For example, if your business process requires continuous measures to be maintained and reported, then you can configure your LRS to only support a non-line LRS Network. Similarly, if your business process collects and maintains data with equation points or other engineering stationing, you can configure an LRS line network to maintain the data as it is collected and an LRS derived network for continuous measure reporting. In this scenario, you can also configure events to store derived measures.


The LRS derived network is generated from the LRS line network. If you don't configure an LRS line network, the LRS derived network can't be configured.