Remove existing associations

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获得 Maritime Charting 许可后可用。

Use the Association Manager to remove associations from features.

  1. On the Maritime tab, in the S-100 Editing group, click the Association Manager button 关联管理器.

    The Association Manager pane appears; it is blank by default. You can choose to customize your view.

  2. In the View Associations By section, check the Show Only Existing check box.
  3. Click the Refresh button 刷新.

    The Association Manager pane updates to show the existing associations.

  4. In the Association Manager pane, click the feature you want to modify.
  5. Expand the association to review the associated feature or features.
    Association Manager pane - expand added features
  6. If necessary, hover over the feature to ensure it is the correct GUID and feature that you want to remove.
    Association Manager features with GUID
  7. Click the Remove button 移除 next to any feature to remove it from its associated feature.

    Removing an association is a database edit and is saved to the active workspace.