Apply cartographic realignment

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适用于 Location Referencing 许可。

You can update route geometry based on aerial imagery, as-built drawings, or input from field data collectors without changing measures by making direct modifications to the centerline. This is known as cartographic realignment. ArcGIS Roads and Highways allows you to change the shape of centerlines and preserve the calibration of the underlying routes as they existed before cartographic realignment.


The centerline feature class must be visible in the Contents pane to apply cartographic realignment.

  1. 向地图添加中心线和网路要素类。



    信息模型预期在任何给定位置仅存在一条中心线。 确保要用于编辑的中心线与 LRS 中的其他中心线不重叠。


    传统版本化网络必须通过与地理数据库的直接连接进行编辑。 必须通过要素服务编辑分支版本化网络,包括使用用户生成的路径 ID 配置的所有网络。

  2. Zoom in to the location of the route that you want to realign.

  3. Uncheck the network layer in the Contents pane, on the List By Selection tab 按选择列出, in the Selection list.
  4. Check the centerline layer in the Contents pane, on the List By Selection tab 按选择列出, in the Selection list.
  5. Select the centerline feature for the edit in the map.
  6. Double-click the centerline's edge.

    The selected centerline's vertices appear.

    Editing vertices and segments
  7. Edit the centerline's vertices as necessary.

    You can add, delete vertices, and modify segments. You can also use the geometry editing tools available in Roads and Highways.

    Moving vertices and segments
  8. After editing the vertices to match the proposed alignment of the route, right-click anywhere on the map and click Finish.
  9. Check the check box next to the network layer in the Contents pane, on the List By Selection tab 按选择列出, in the Selection list.

    The cartographically realigned route appears.

    Cartographically realigned route

    • After centerlines are updated, the route shapes in all networks are also updated. However, the event shapes for events and locations of the managed intersections are not updated until you run the Apply Event Behaviors and Generate Intersections geoprocessing tools.

      Learn more about scenarios for generating and updating intersections

    • It is also important to note that when the centerlines are edited, all routes in all networks, across all times, are modified accordingly.
    • If conflict prevention is enabled, locks are acquired on all routes associated with the centerline being edited.


Complex route cartographic realignment scenarios

The following sections provide examples of complex route cartographic realignment on loop and lollipop routes:

Cartographic realignment on a loop

In the following example, an undershoot is fixed on a loop route that has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 4 before cartographic realignment:

Example 1: Input for cartographic realignment of an undershoot on a loop route

After cartographic realignment, the undershoot on the loop is fixed and two intermediate calibration points are added at measures 1.33 and 2.67.

Example 1: Output for cartographic realignment of an undershoot on a loop route

Cartographic realignment on a lollipop

In the following example, an undershoot is fixed on a lollipop route that has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 5 before cartographic realignment:

Example 1: Input for cartographic realignment of an undershoot on a loop route

After cartographic realignment, the undershoot on the lollipop is fixed and two intermediate calibration points are added at measures 2.46 and 3.86.

Example 1: Output for cartographic realignment of an undershoot on a loop route

In the following example, an overshoot is fixed on a lollipop route that has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 5 before cartographic realignment:

Example 1: Input for cartographic realignment of an undershoot on a loop route

After cartographic realignment, overshoot on the lollipop is fixed.

Example 1: Output for cartographic realignment of an undershoot on a loop route