Assign Customers By Distance (Business Analyst)

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获得 Business Analyst 许可后可用。


Assigns customers to the closest store based on a selected distance type.


  • The ID of the closest store is assigned to each customer. Store assignments are influenced by the selected value for Distance Type.

  • An Origin-Destination matrix calculates the least-cost paths between customers and stores using the Business Analyst network dataset and routing service.

  • When using a network distance type, you can adjust the Search Tolerance parameter value to define the maximum distance the input customer features can be from a road. Customer points beyond this distance will not receive a store assignment.

  • If a store cannot be assigned to a customer point, the new Store ID value will be null and the Distance value will contain a -1.


Input Customer Features

The input point feature layer representing customers.

Feature Layer
Input Store Features

The input point feature layer representing store or facilities.

Feature Layer
Store ID Field

A unique ID field for Input Store Features.

Output Feature Class

A point layer containing customers with assigned store or facility and distance.

Feature Class
Field Name

A new field that contains the assigned store or facility ID.

Distance Type

The method of travel used to calculate the distance between customers and stores.

Distance Units

The units that will be used to measure the selected distance type.

Travel Direction

Specifies the direction of travel that will be used between stores or facilities and customers.

  • Toward StoresThe direction of travel will be from customers to stores. This is the default.
  • Away from StoresThe direction of travel will be from stores to customers.
Time of Day

The time and date that will be used when calculating distance.

Time Zone

Specifies the time zone that will be used for the Time of Day parameter.

  • Time Zone at LocationThe time zone in which the territories are located will be used. This is the default.
  • UTCCoordinated universal time (UTC) will be used.
  • Time Zone at LocationThe time zone in which the territories are located will be used. This is the default.
  • UTCCoordinated universal time (UTC) will be used.
Search Tolerance

The maximum distance that input points can be from the network. Points located beyond the search tolerance will be excluded from processing.

The parameter requires a distance value and units for the tolerance. The default value is 5000 meters.

Linear Unit


  • Basic: 需要 Business Analyst, ArcGIS Network Analyst extension
  • Standard: 需要 Business Analyst, ArcGIS Network Analyst extension
  • Advanced: 需要 Business Analyst, ArcGIS Network Analyst extension
