Huff Model (Business Analyst)

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获得 Business Analyst 许可后可用。


Creates a probability surface to predict the sales potential of an area based on distance and an attractiveness factor.


  • The Input Facility Features parameter layer is a point layer that represents competitors or existing stores.

  • The Input Candidate Features parameter layer is a point layer that represents the potential stores layer to evaluate.

  • The Huff Model tool takes into account all of the locations in the Input Facility Features parameter layer but only a single feature in the Input Candidate Features parameter layer in an analysis. You can limit the locations in an analysis by selecting either the Input Facility Features or Input Candidate Features parameter layer.

  • The attractiveness value used for the analysis must be the same field in the Input Facility Features and Input Candidate Features parameters.

  • The Input Sales Potential Features parameter layer can be a point layer or a polygon layer that has a numeric field representing sales potential. It can be based on disposable income or population, for example, or any other variable.

  • The Enrich Layer tool can be used to derive the Input Sales Potential Features parameter layer.

  • Geodesic distance is used for distance calculations.


Input Facility Features

An input point feature layer representing existing facility locations. It is the first feature from the layer or the feature selected when a selection is available.

Feature Layer
Facility ID Field

A unique ID field for existing facilities.

Input Candidate Features

An input point feature layer representing new candidate facility locations. It is the first feature from the layer or the feature selected when a selection is available.

Feature Layer
Candidate ID Field

A unique ID field for candidate facilities.

Input Sales Potential Features

An input point or polygon feature layer used to calculate the sales potential. It is either all features from a layer or only selected features when a selection is available.

Feature Layer
Sales Potential ID Field

A unique ID field for sales potential features.

Sales Potential Field

The field containing the values that will be used to calculate the sales potential.

Output feature Class

The output feature class that will contain the tool results representing the probability of sales.

Feature Class
Attractiveness Variables

The attribute fields that indicate the attractiveness of each competitor. In many cases, the size of the facility is used as a substitute for attractiveness and will be a multivalue table.

An additional attractiveness variable is needed. The attractiveness field must be present in the existing facilities (competitors) and the candidate facilities layer.

  • Existing Facilities Value—Numeric field in the Input Facility Features parameter layer that represents attractiveness.
  • Candidates Location Value—Numeric Field in the Input Candidate Features parameter layer that matches the attractiveness value from the Input Facility Features parameter layer. Distance does not require a matching field.
  • Exponent—The value that determines how much of a factor the variable is to the attractiveness value. The default value is 1.
Value Table
Distance Exponent

The distance exponent is generally a negative number because attractiveness decreases when distance increases. The default value is -1.5.

Distance Type

The type of distance, based on method of travel, that will be used. The default value is Straight Line.

Distance Units

The distance-measuring units that will be used when calculating distance.

Output Distance Matrix

The name and location of the matrix table of distance calculations. The IDs for the Input Facilitates Features and Input Candidate Features parameters must be unique.

Travel Direction

Specifies the direction of travel that will be used between stores and sales potential features.

  • Toward StoresThe direction of travel will be from sales potential features to stores. This is the default.
  • Away from StoresThe direction of travel will be from stores to sales potential features.
Time of Day

The time and date that will be used when calculating distance.

Time Zone

Specifies the time zone that will be used for the Time of Day parameter.

  • Time Zone at LocationThe time zone in which the territories are located will be used. This is the default.
  • UTCCoordinated universal time (UTC) will be used.
  • Time Zone at LocationThe time zone in which the territories are located will be used. This is the default.
  • UTCCoordinated universal time (UTC) will be used.


Predicted Sales

The output model.



  • Basic: 需要 Business Analyst
  • Standard: 需要 Business Analyst
  • Advanced: 需要 Business Analyst
