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ArcGIS Business Analyst is an extension to ArcGIS Pro. If you are accessing Business Analyst in ArcGIS Pro through a bundle purchase, you have access to differing components. The components included with the ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced Bundle and the ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop Bundle are compared in the following table:

ArcGIS Business Analyst componentArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced BundleArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop Bundle

Product Availability


U.S., Canada, Japan (through Esri Japan)


ArcGIS Pro Basic*


Not included but required.

ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro (extension to ArcGIS Pro)*



ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop (extension to ArcMap)

Not included

Included. General availability through February 2022.

ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App



ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App Advanced



ArcGIS Network Analyst extension

Not included


ArcGIS Creator User Type


Not included but requires an ArcGIS Creator user type or above.


Global Data

Through ArcGIS Online

Through ArcGIS Online

Locally Installed Data

Not included**

Data license file (.sdlic) available from My Esri***.




Online Services

When using online data, services such as basemaps, geocoding and search, routing and directions, mapping, data hosting, and data visualization are used through ArcGIS World Routing Service, ArcGIS World Geocoding Service, and ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service.

*ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro (extension to ArcGIS Pro) software licenses are available in the ArcGIS Online organization view. The extension can be assigned by the administrator of the ArcGIS Online organization that is current on maintenance to any member of the organization.

**ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced Bundle gives you access to data through ArcGIS Online. Credits are consumed when using ArcGIS Online as a data source or when ArcGIS Online services are used.

***ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop Bundle gives you access to a downloadable dataset that can be used in either ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro or ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop. If data is locally installed and selected as the data source, credits are not consumed as long as Network Extension is activated. ArcGIS Business Analyst data is available for download from My Esri.


To download ArcGIS Pro from My Esri, click My Organization > Downloads.

See Installing ArcGIS Business Analyst 2022 U.S. Data for more information.