Prepare Aviation Data (Aviation)

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获得 Aviation Charting 许可后可用。


Migrates attributes from main aviation data to their cartographic features based on specific JSON scripts. These attributes are used for labeling and symbolizing cartographic features. Attributes defined in the JSON will be copied from their locations in the main feature classes and formatted into output attributes also defined in the JSON.


  • Attributes will be migrated to the cartographic features in the format || <> <value> <> || in which features are delimited by || and the attribute values of those features are delimited by <>.

    For example, to migrate the TYPE_CODE, IDENT_TXT, and MAGNETICVARIATION_VAL features from the main ADHP feature class, the output in the ADHP_C cartographic feature class will be <> TYPE_CODE <> IDENT_TXT <> MAGNETICVARIATION_VAL <>.


    The || symbols may not be included in the migrated information if there is a single feature being migrated from the main features to the cartographic features.


    The ArcGIS Aviation Charting product data files contain Arcade scripts for parsing this delimited data. These scripts are in the following location: <installation location>\ArcGIS Aviation Charting\Product Files\<version>\SampleConfigs\ICAO\Enroute\ArcadeExpressions.

  • The optional Input Datasets parameter is populated by a list of tables and feature classes from the provided JSON. You can select specific tables and features classes for evaluation. If none are selected, they will all be evaluated.


    To run the Prepare Aviation Data tool on an enterprise database, attributed relationships need to be fully qualified in the Prepare Aviation Data tool's JSON. For example, GIS.NavaidAssociation.NAVAIDSYSTEM_ID includes the schema name GIS, the table name NavaidAssociation, and the field name NAVAIDSYSTEM_ID. Field names from other dataset types can also be qualified with their schema name, but it is only necessary to qualify them by table name, for example, NavaidSystem.GFID.

  • The following sample configuration file can be used to populate the Configuration File (.json) parameter:

        // CAUTION: Remove all comments before using this code sample in your project.
        "adhp_c":[{ // The target feature class that you want to migrate data to.
                "calcfield":"adhp_info", // The field where the migrated data will be stored.
                "fields": [ // The attributes you want to migrate into your target feature class.
                "tables": [
                    "adhp" // The main feature class that you want to migrate data from.
                "where": "Master_ID = adhp.gfid" // An SQL query joining the source and target features.
                "fields": [
                "tables": [
                "where": "Master_ID = adhp.gfid and adhp.gfid = airspace.adhp_id and airspace.class_code IN ('C', 'D')"
        "navaidsystem": [
                "fields": [
                "tables": [
                "where": "navaidsystem.gfid = availability.predicated_id"
                "fields": [
                "tables": [
                "where": "navaidsystem.gfid = navaidassociation.navaidsystem_id and navaidassociation.navaidcomponent_id = navaidcomponent.gfid"


Target Geodatabase

The ArcGIS Aviation Charting schema workspace on which the evaluation will be run.

Configuration File (.json)

The .json file containing the evaluation criteria.

Input Datasets

The names of the tables and feature classes that will be evaluated.



Output Workspace

The output aviation workspace containing the evaluation results.





  • Basic: 否
  • Standard: 需要 ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: 需要 ArcGIS Aviation Charting
