Identify Contours (Topographic Production)

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Identifies types of contours and applies hypsographic codes to input features.


  • This tool processes each input contour and identifies the contour type. It uses the underlying raster and contour features to determine the type of contour. It then updates the contour code field with the appropriate domain code.

  • This tool identifies the following types of contours:

    • Index
    • Intermediate
    • Depression index
    • Depression intermediate

  • 警告:

    此工具会修改输入数据。 有关详细信息以及避免数据被意外更改的策略,请参阅修改或更新输入数据的工具

  • If more than one input raster is used, all input rasters must have the same cell size, band count, and pixel type. All input rasters should also use the same elevation units (meters or feet).

  • If the Number of Depression Contours to Identify parameter value is negative or zero, the tool will not run.


Input Contours

The input contours that will be updated with the specified contour codes.

Feature Layer
Input Rasters

The rasters used to derive elevations of points inside contours to correctly identify the types of contours.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Layer
Contour Height field

The field in the input contour feature class that contains elevation values. This field type must be numeric.

Contour Code field

The field in the input contour feature class that will be updated with the appropriate domain code.

Contour Index Interval

The interval or distance between index contour lines. The default is 100.

Index Code

The value used to populate the Contour Code field parameter when index contours are identified. The default is 1.

Intermediate Code

The value used to populate the Contour Code field parameter when intermediate contours are identified. The default is 2.

Depression Code

The value used to populate the Contour Code field parameter when depression contours are identified. The default is 5.

Depression Intermediate Code

The value used to populate the Contour Code field parameter when depression intermediate contours are identified. The default is 6.

Number of Depression Contours to Identify

The number of contours in a depression that will be coded as depressions. The value provided must be greater than zero. If no value is provided, all of the contours in the depression will be coded as depressions.



Updated Contours

Contour feature class where contour codes were updated.

Feature Layer




  • Basic: 否
  • Standard: 需要 Production Mapping
  • Advanced: 需要 Production Mapping
