属性 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
areaOfInterest (只读) | 地统计图层的范围。 | Extent |
dataCollection (只读) | 用于创建地统计图层的数据集的值表。 建议改为使用 GeostatisticalDatasets 类来确定源数据集。 | ValueTable |
# Name: Describe_GA_Layer_Example_01.py
# Description: Print the Describe properties of a geostatistical layer.
# Requirements: Geostatistical Analyst Extension
# Import system modules
import arcpy
# Check out Geostatistical Analyst extension
# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/gapyexamples/data"
# Set local variables
inPointFeatures = "ca_ozone_pts.shp"
zField = "OZONE"
GALayer = "IDW_galayer"
# Execute IDW
arcpy.ga.IDW(inPointFeatures, zField, GALayer)
# Describe the geostatistical layer
desc = arcpy.Describe(GALayer)
# Save extent of geostatistical layer
aoi = desc.areaOfInterest
# Save name of geostatistical layer
name = desc.nameString
# Save data type of geostatistical layer
dt = desc.dataType
# Save data sources and primary input dataset
dc = desc.dataCollection
ds = dc.getValue(0,0)
# Print describe properties
print("Layer name: " + name)
print("Data type: " + dt)
print("Input data: " + ds)
print("Minimum X Extent: " + str(aoi.XMin))
print("Maximum X Extent: " + str(aoi.XMax))
print("Minimum Y Extent: " + str(aoi.YMin))
print("Maximum Y Extent: " + str(aoi.YMax))