Perform analysis overview

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This section provides an overview of the workflows and wizards in Business Analyst. Individual geoprocessing (GP) tools are found in the Business Analyst and Territory Design toolboxes

Core workflows

Workflow nameDescription
Suitability Analysis

Calculates a suitability score for a set of input features based on a set of user-defined suitability criteria. Criteria can be attributes from the input features, enriched data from the Business Analyst Data Browser, or aggregate values from point features on the map. Users can adjust weights and influence parameters and see changes dynamically on the map. The output includes an overall score, score per criteria, and the raw criteria value.

Target Marketing

Creates a series of thematic maps and reports demonstrating how well you are reaching each of Esri's tapestry segments and where you have opportunity to grow in a region of interest. Input customer data or a representative feature layer creates a customer profile that is compared to a larger market profile that calculates an index and penetration values to categorize each tapestry segment into one of four quadrants (Core, Niche, Developmental, Monitor) to inform your marketing tactics and increase your reach.

Huff Model

Calculates and generates a probability surface feature layer based on a set of input polygons, existing locations, and prospective locations that a given feature, such as block group, will go to given the existing alternatives available. The input polygons may include your own data or enriched data from Business Analyst to quantify the probability of certain populations. Existing and prospective locations can have an attractiveness value that may influence how far customers are willing to travel.

Territory Design

Territory Design is included with Business Analyst as a separate toolbox, allowing you to build and balance territories from point or polygon layers. Users can add territory centers or geographic barriers to constrain territories specific to your organization. In addition, you can choose to optimize territories based on minimum, maximum, or ideal values for a set of attributes, or balance territories to evenly distribute a set of attributes across territories. Nested multilevel territories are supported, such as Zones, Districts, and Regions. The output is a set of features with each level of territories and the base data from which they are derived. Additionally, users may generate reports summarizing the territory definitions.


  1. Core workflows