Share a Statistical Data Collection

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You can share Statistical Data Collection files (.sdcx) to your active portal as items, allowing others in your organization to access custom data in client applications. The shared custom data is hosted in your portal organization, and users do not need local data installed to access the custom data.


By default, when you're signed in to your portal, custom data is available from the My Content node in the Data Browser window.

Complete the following steps to share a Statistical Data Collection:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro, click the View tab, and click Catalog Pane 目录窗格 to open the Catalog pane.
  2. On the Project tab, right-click the Statistical Data Collection and click Share.

    The Share Statistical Data Collection pane appears.

  3. Enter the relevant information in the Name, Summary, and Tags text boxes.

    By default, the Statistical Data Collection is shared to your My Content folder. To change this, select an existing folder or create one from the Location drop-down menu. Alternatively, click the associated folder icon to select an output destination on the portal.

  4. Click the check boxes and the Groups drop-down menu under the Share With section to enable access to the shared Statistical Data Collection.
  5. Click Analyze 验证 to ensure that all required information has been provided and that no problems are anticipated during the sharing process.
  6. Click Publish Publish.

    Once processing is complete, the shared Statistical Data Collection is available to use by all authorized individuals.
