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拓扑用于描述相互关联的要素的组织和连接方式。 在 ArcGIS Pro 中,拓扑将应用为空间规则的集合,用于根据要素相对于其他要素的位置来约束活动编辑或审核并维护要素的正确性。

There are two types of topology in ArcGIS Pro: topological editing and geodatabase topology. You can use one or both to help you manage and maintain the accuracy of your feature data with respect to coincidence, adjacency, containment, and connectivity.


Topological editing

拓扑编辑是一种编辑模式,用于将重合几何约束为拓扑连接的边和节点的有序图表。 此模式不需要进行设置,且仅适用于可编辑的可见要素。

Geodatabase topology

Working with geodatabase topology includes creating a topology for a dataset, assigning features and spatial rules, validating the features in a map, and using specific tools to fix errors and mark exceptions.

Topological editing

拓扑编辑位于编辑选项卡的管理编辑组中,您可以在修改要素期间将其打开或关闭。 地图拓扑 地图拓扑 适用于所有要素。 选择地理数据库拓扑规则会将拓扑编辑限制为参与所选规则的要素。

Geodatabase topology

Many features in S-57 and S-100 share topological relationships with one another, which must be maintained to satisfy industry standards for data validation. An example of this is the coincidence of the coastline, land, and the sea. The land areas cannot cross over the coastline, or the depth areas; conversely, depth areas cannot cross land areas or the coastline.

In scenarios in which you are editing these types of features, you can use geodatabase topology to ensure these topological rules are followed. When you edit using a geodatabase topology, you can edit a single feature and have all features that participate in a topological relationship update automatically.

Learn how to add a geodatabase topology to a maritime geodatabase and how to use it to generate depth areas.

Topological graph

拓扑约束将通过拓扑图进行应用。 该图将显示为您正在编辑的要素上方的高亮显示的边和节点网络。 边将定义共享线性边界,而节点将定义端点和交叉点之间的连通性。

启用拓扑编辑后,图形即可在编辑工具中使用且会在工具中显示用于执行要素和拓扑编辑选项卡。 编辑边或节点会修改相应的要素几何;例如,移动共享的边也会拉伸任何连接的线段。

当您完成编辑后,系统将验证更改内容的关联性。 如果上述操作使得拓扑图中断,则会显示消息编辑操作失败 错误,且您的更改将被取消。