Create structures

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | 帮助归档

获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。

获得 Defense Mapping 许可后可用。

The Create Structures tool allows you to digitize structures by designating three of the four points. All structures automatically complete themselves once three points are drawn. The tool dynamically creates structure features based on the area settings you specify.

The structure feature's geometry type is determined by the area of the feature you draw. The conditions that determine the thresholds for creating point, line, and polygon features can be customized in the Create Structures pane.

When the structure feature is created, the Area (ARE_ or ARA) and Angle of Orientation (AOO) fields are populated if the field is in the feature class. The area, length, and width attribute fields are populated based on what is listed in the Length and Width lists in the Create Structures pane.


If you are using a z-enabled database, the z-values are set to the current z-value.

  1. Add structure layers to your map, if they don't already exist, by dragging structure feature data from the Catalog pane onto the map.

    A feature template for the new layer is automatically generated with default settings.


    If the feature data does not exist, right-click the target geodatabase in the Catalog pane and create a new feature class.

  2. On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Create 创建要素.

    The Create Features pane appears.

  3. In the Create Features pane, click a structure feature class.

    The feature class expands to show the tool palette.

  4. In the Create Features pane, next to the tool palette, click the Forward button 向前 to open the Active Template page.

    The tool palette and the feature attribute table appear.

  5. In the attribute table, type the values you want to apply to the new feature.
  6. Click Create Structures 创建结构.

    The Create Structures page appears in the pane.

  7. To change the area settings that determine thresholds for creating point, line, or polygon structure features, do the following:

    To change the area for a point

    In the Point Features area, type a new value in the Area less than text box.

    To change the area for a line

    In the Line Features area, type a new value in the Area greater than and Area less than text boxes.

    To change the area for a polygon

    In the Polygon Features area, type a new value in the Area greater than text box.

  8. In the Point Features area, click the Point Feature Template drop-down arrow and choose the feature class you want to use as the target layer for structure point features.
  9. In the Line Features area, click the Line Feature Template drop-down arrow and choose the feature class you want to use as the target layer for structure line features.
  10. In the Attribution area, update the Area, Angle of Orientation, Length, and Width attributes to match your schema.
  11. If you always want to create a structure polygon, check the Always create structure check box.

    All measurements are in meters.

  12. Do one of the following to create a new structure:

    To create a simple structure feature

    Click and drag in the map display to create three points to represent the new structure feature; double-click the third point to finish the drawing. Depending on the feature's area, it will be a point, line, or polygon.

    To create a non-simple structure

    Click and drag to create more than four points to represent the new structure feature, and double-click the last vertex on the structure to finish the drawing.

    You must zoom in on the map display to create point features. Lines are created using the longest dimension centered on the middle of the feature.

The new structure is created.