Import an ArcMap document with surround elements

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | 帮助归档

获得 Defense Mapping 许可后可用。

获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。

Supported surround elements from ArcMap documents can be imported to ArcGIS Pro. Your ArcMap surround elements are replaced by ArcGIS Pro elements on import.

The following surround elements can be imported in ArcGIS Pro 2.4 or later.

The following elements are not supported for import starting at ArcGIS Pro 2.4.

  • Topographic Line Map (TLM) Conversion Graph
  • Joint Operations Graphic (JOG) Elevation Tints
  • JOG GeoRef Diagram
  • Graphic Table Element

Complete the following steps to import an ArcMap document that contains surround elements:

  1. Inspect the ArcMap document that you want to import and do any of the following:
    • Delete unsupported ArcMap surround elements that are not in use in the document.
    • Convert unsupported ArcMap elements to graphics.

      Right-click the unsupported element in the layout and choose Convert To Graphics.

  2. Import an ArcMap document.

The ArcMap elements are replaced by ArcGIS Pro elements on import.


Unsupported surround elements in an MXD are not imported into ArcGIS Pro.