Import AIXM 5.1 Message (Aviation)

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | 帮助归档

获得 Aviation Charting 许可后可用。


Imports Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) version 5.1 data into an aviation geodatabase.

AIXM is a well-established information exchange format in the aviation domain, and importing data in this format is the first step in the creation of an ArcGIS Aviation Charting product.


The AIXM format is commonly referred to by its acronym in the aviation industry rather than the full name of Aviation Information Exchange Model. Consequently, the tool name reflects the common usage of the acronym.


  • An AIXM 5.1 file is commonly referred to as a message.

  • The optional Input Tables parameter will be populated by a list of existing tables and feature classes in the selected workspace for which an AIXM feature type exists. Selecting any of these will import only the selected feature types. Leaving all of them unselected will import the full message.

  • Optionally, you can update a database using the Update Existing Features parameter.


    This functionality will allow you to import an AIXM 5.1 message into an existing database and will use that message as a data update. This will match features between the new file and the database using the Clientkey_Id field (that corresponds with the gml:identifier field in the AIXM message). If a match is found, the feature will be updated based on the new message.

  • No datum transformation is performed by the tool. Input AIXM 5.1 geometry is expected to be expressed in either EPSG:4326 or OGC:CRS84 coordinate reference systems.

  • The spatial reference of the Target AIS geodatabase should be 'GCS_WGS_1984 WKID: 4326 Authority: EPSG'.


Input AIXM 5.1 Message File

The input AIXM 5.1 message.

Target Geodatabase

The ArcGIS Aviation Charting schema workspace where the AIXM message will be imported.

Input Tables

The names of tables used to restrict the feature types that will be imported.

Update Existing Features

Specifies whether existing features will be updated or new features will be inserted.

  • Checked—Existing features will be updated.
  • Unchecked—Existing features will not be updated; new features will be inserted. This is the default.



Updated Geodatabase

The updated workspace.





  • Basic: 否
  • Standard: 需要 ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: 需要 ArcGIS Aviation Charting
