Chart finishing processes

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | 帮助归档

获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。

获得 ArcGIS Maritime 许可后可用。

The Chart Automation tool (CAT) uses scripts, S-57 ENC data attributes, and predefined configurations to increase paper chart production efficiency. This tool is in the Paper Charting toolbox, which is available with the Maritime product data files. Once the product files are installed, the toolbox must be added to an ArcGIS Pro project. The toolbox file is located at <installation location>\ArcGIS Maritime\Product Files\<version>\Charting\Tools. The Chart Automation tool adds a layer file to the Contents pane, sources the layers to the target chart database, and performs the processes described in the sections below.


The Chart Automation tool is for initial chart creation and should not be used for chart maintenance. Tools in the Cartography toolset of the Maritime toolbox are designed for minor updates on a chart with existing cartographic finishing.

Make grids and graticules

This process runs the Make Grids and Graticules Layer tool in the Cartography toolbox. The appropriate preconfigured grid XML for the INT2 standard is selected based on the scale. The output grids are stored in the GRD_Grids feature dataset in the production database, and the grid layers are added to the layout in the Grids group layer. The Grids group layer is listed at the top of the Contents pane. The map frame’s coordinate system, rotation, scale, size, and shape update based on the grids' properties. Finally, the map frame is clipped using the polygon geometry of the CLP_GRD_Grids feature class created by the Make Grids And Graticules Layer tool.

Generate light sectors

This process runs the Generate Light Sector tool to create light sector features based on the AidsToNavigationP point feature class. Light sectors typically appear on nautical charts and depict the distance a light can be seen from its source.

Generate cartographic limits

This process runs the Generate Cartographic Limits tool on a predefined list of feature classes and subtypes. The table below shows the input feature classes, subtypes, and output A_L feature classes that are processed by the Generate Cartographic Limits tool. A selection set is created on the input feature class for the listed subtype or subtypes. The selected features are converted to polylines and erased where their boundary coincides with a CoastlineL feature. The resulting output polyline features append to the corresponding A_L feature class and are added as a layer to the map if it does not already exist.

Input feature classSubtypeOutput feature class





5, 10, 15









1, 20, 35






5, 10, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 80



1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 85, 95, 105, 110, 115






1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 45, 70


Transfer Quality of Position

This process runs the Transfer Quality of Position tool to transfer the Quality of Position (QUAPOS) attribution from S-57 edge primitives (captured in PLTS_SpatialAttributeL) to the feature to aid in symbolizations that are dependent on this attribute.

Features in CoastlineL, NaturalFeaturesL, and DepthsL feature classes are divided where the primitive attribution changes. The QUAPOS attribute values are copied to the affected features.

Apply Maritime symbology

This process runs the Apply Maritime Symbology tool in the Maritime toolbox. It runs on the features in the Nautical Features dataset and the Cartographic Features dataset. This tool analyzes the attribution of each feature it processes, and based on that information, applies the appropriate INT1 symbol, and writes a text string for labeling. Red symbols indicate that the feature does not meet any rule in the INT1.cxml file, or the assigned symbol is not available in the layer's symbology configuration.
