Retire routes

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During the lifespan of a pipeline, the routes may change as portions of the routes are removed while others are added. Major changes, such as environmental concerns, age, erosion, or repair work, may require retirement of a portion of a route, retirement of a complete route, or retirement of multiple adjoining routes that belong to the same line for the specified time frame.

When you specify that a portion of a route should be retired, that portion is removed from the route for the specified time frame for a particular network. When a route is retired by the Retire Route tool, the route's To Date field in the LRS Network feature class is populated with the retirement date. When portions of a route are retired, the centerline features are split to accommodate the precise location of the retire operation. Calibration points are also added to ensure that the remainder of the route continues to calibrate properly.

  • You can fully or partially retire multiple adjoining routes that belong to the same line.
  • You have the option to recalibrate downstream measures if the source route selected in the Retire Route pane is the same as the target route selected in the Retire Route pane.
  • You have the option to recalibrate the downstream measures if the source route selected in the Retire Route pane is not the same as the target route selected in the Retire Route pane, but the recalibration is limited to the end of the target route selected in the Retire Route pane.
  • The line order of the downstream routes in the same line as the retired routes will be updated as a result of the retirement.

Route retirement scenarios

The following are examples of route retirement scenarios:

Retirement on a route without recalibration

Retirement is from the start of the route to the middle portion of the route.

Example 1: Input for routes and measures

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


After retirement, the route is not recalibrated, leaving the downstream measures intact. The start measure of the remaining route is updated to the same value as the start measure of the route before its retirement.

The line order remains unchanged, as the retirement is limited to a single route.

Example 1: Output for routes and measures

Retirement on a route with downstream recalibration

Retirement is from the start of the route to the middle portion of the route. The route is recalibrated downstream and the downstream measures are updated.

Example 1: Input for retirement on a route with downstream recalibration

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


The start measure of the remaining route is updated to the same value as the start measure of the route before its retirement.

The line order remains unchanged, as the retirement is limited to a single route.

Example 1: Output for retirement on a route with downstream recalibration

Retirement between routes without downstream recalibration

The retirement takes place between two routes (RouteX and RouteY) that belong to the same line. The route is not recalibrated downstream of the retirement, so the downstream measures remain intact. RouteX is completely retired, so the line order of the downstream routes is updated.

Example 1: Input for retirement on a route without downstream recalibration

RouteX is completely retired, so the line order of the downstream routes is updated.

Example 1: Output for retirement on a route without downstream recalibration

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Route


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


Retirement between routes with downstream recalibration

The retirement takes place between two routes (RouteX and RouteY) that belong to the same line.

Example 4 input: Routes and measures

The route is recalibrated downstream of the retirement, so the downstream measures are updated until the end of the target route (RouteY). RouteX is completely retired, so the line order of the downstream routes is updated.

Example 4 output: Routes and measures

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Route


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


Complex route retirement scenarios

The following are examples of route retirement scenarios on complex routes including loop, lollipop, branch, alpha, and infinity routes.

Retirement on a loop route

In the following example, a route (RouteX) has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 12. Retirement takes place from the middle to the end of a loop route.

Example 1: Input on a loop route

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


After retirement, RouteX becomes a simple route.

Example 1: Output on a loop route

Retirement on a lollipop route

In the following example, a route (RouteX) has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 15. Retirement takes place in the middle of the lollipop route.

Example 1: Input on a lollipop route

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


After retirement, RouteX becomes a branch route.

The line order remains unchanged as the retirement is limited to a single route.

Example 1: Output on a lollipop route

In the second example, retirement takes place from the middle to the end of the lollipop route.

Example 2: Input on a lollipop route

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


After retirement, RouteX becomes a loop route.

The line order remains unchanged, as the retirement is limited to a single route.

Example 2: Output on a lollipop route

Retirement on a branch route

In the following example, a route (RouteX) has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 9. Retirement takes place from the beginning to the middle of the branch route.

Example 1: Input on a branch route with retirement at the start

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


After retirement, RouteX becomes a simple route.

The line order remains unchanged, as the retirement is limited to a single route.

Example 1: Output on a branch route with retirement at the start

In the second example, retirement takes place from the middle to the end of the branch route.

Example 2: Input on a branch route with retirement from the middle

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


After retirement, RouteX becomes a simple route.

The line order remains unchanged, as the retirement is limited to a single route.

Example 2: Output on a branch route with retirement from the middle

Retirement on an alpha route

In the following example, a route (RouteX) has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 18. Retirement takes place from the start to the middle portion of the alpha route.

Example 1: Input on an alpha route

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


After retirement, RouteX becomes a simple route.

The line order remains unchanged, as the retirement is limited to a single route.

Example 1: Output on an alpha route

Retirement on an infinity route

In the following example, a route (RouteX) has a start measure of 0 and an end measure of 24. Retirement takes place from the middle to the end of the infinity route.

Example 1: Input on an infinity route

From RouteRouteX

From Measure


To Measure


Recalibrate Downstream


After retirement, RouteX becomes an alpha route.

The line order remains unchanged, as the retirement is limited to a single route.

Example 1: Output on an infinity route

Parameters by network type

The following tables list the parameters used in the Retire Route tool.

Parameters used for Engineering Stationing Networks



The network in which the Engineering Stationing routes exist.

Retire Date

The date when the retirement has taken place on the ground.

From Route Name

The route where the retirement starts.

From Measure

The measure on the source route where the retirement starts; shown by the green dot.

Use route start measure

The starting measure of the source route.

To Route Name

The route where the retirement ends. For example, if the retirement takes place on a single route, the source route and target route will be the same.

To Measure

The measure on the target route where the retirement ends; shown by the red dot.

Use route end measure

The ending measure of the target route.

Recalibrate route downstream

Choose this option if you want to remove the length of the retired route from your overall set of measures.

Parameters used for Continuous Measure Networks



The network in which the continuous routes exist.

Retire Date

The date when the retirement has taken place on the ground.

Route Name

The route where the retirement takes place.

From Measure

The measure on the source route where the retirement starts; shown by the green dot.

Use route start measure

The starting measure of the source route.

To Measure

The measure on the source route where the retirement ends; shown by the red dot.

Use route end measure

The ending measure of the target route.

Recalibrate route downstream

Choose this option if you want to remove the length of the retired route from your overall set of measures.

Retire routes

Use the following steps for retiring routes:


Gap calibration rules are followed when editing routes.

  1. Add the centerline and network feature class to a map.

    You can also open a map in which the centerline and network feature class are already present.


    The information model expects only one centerline at any given location. Make sure that the centerlines used for your edit do not overlap other centerlines in your LRS.


    Traditionally versioned networks must be edited through a direct connection to the geodatabase. Branch-versioned networks, including any network configured with a user-generated route ID, must be edited through a feature service.

  2. Zoom in to the location where you want to retire the route.
  3. Click the Retire button Zurücknehmen on the Location Referencing tab.

    The Retire Route pane appears.

    Retire Route pane
  4. Choose the Network in which the retirement will take place.

    To edit using feature services, the LRS Network must be published with the linear referencing and version management capabilities.

  5. Choose a retire date for the retirement by clicking the Retire Date drop-down arrow.
    • Alternatively, type the date in the Retire Date text box.
    • Double-clicking the empty Retire Date text box will populate today's date.
  6. Click the Choose route from map button Route auf Karte auswählen to choose a route to retire for the From Route Name parameter.
  7. Type the start measure in the From Measure text box or click the Choose measure from map button Messwert auf Karte auswählen to set the value.

    You can also check the Use route start measure check box to choose the start measure of the route.

    A green dot is placed on the start measure location of the route.

  8. Click the Choose route from map button Route auf Karte auswählen to choose a route to retire for the To Route Name parameter.

    If your retirement is limited to just one route, then the From Route Name and To Route Name will be the same.

  9. Type the end measure in the To Measure text box or click the Choose measure from map button Messwert auf Karte auswählen to set the end measure. You can also check the Use route end measure check box to choose the end measure of the route.

    For the line network, the measures can be entered as station values in 00+00.00 or 00+00.000 format.

    Check the Recalibrate route downstream check box if you want to remove the length of the retired route from your overall set of measures.

    If the Recalibrate route downstream check box is unchecked, the modified route gets its start measure from the end measure of the retired portion. The start measure of the modified route remains unchanged. This could create a measure gap on the route if the retirement is not at the endpoint of the route.

    You can't retire the routes if the From Measure equals the To Measure for the same route.

    A red dot is placed on the end measure location of the route.

  10. Click Run.

    The selected portion of the route is retired.


    As a result of the retire route activity, only routes or portions of a route are retired; centerlines are not retired.


    If a message about acquiring locks or reconciling appears, conflict prevention is enabled.