A Multipoint object is an ordered collection of points.
Bei vielen Workflows der Geoverarbeitung möchten Sie eventuell bestimmte Vorgänge mit Koordinaten- und Geometriedaten ausführen, jedoch nicht unbedingt eine neue (temporäre) Feature-Class erstellen, diese mit Cursorn füllen, die Feature-Class verwenden und dann die vorläufige Feature-Class wieder löschen. Sie können anstelle von Eingabe und Ausgabe auch Geometrieobjekte verwenden und so die Geoverarbeitung vereinfachen. Geometrieobjekte können von Grund auf neu mit Geometry-, Multipoint-, PointGeometry-, Polygon- oder Polyline-Classes erstellt werden.
The following numeric operators can be used in place of geometry methods:
Geometry method | Numeric operator |
intersect | + |
union | | |
difference | - |
symmetricDifference | ^ |
For example, to union two geometry objects, g3 = g1 | g2 is equivalent to g3 = g1.union(g2).
The + operator will use the geometry type (dimension) of the first geometry to determine the geometry type of the output.
Multipoint (inputs, {spatial_reference}, {has_z}, {has_m})
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
inputs | The coordinates used to create the object. The data type can be either Point or Array objects. | Object |
spatial_reference | The spatial reference of the new geometry. (Der Standardwert ist None) | SpatialReference |
has_z | The Z state: True for geometry if Z is enabled and False if it is not. (Der Standardwert ist False) | Boolean |
has_m | The M state: True for geometry if M is enabled and False if it is not. (Der Standardwert ist False) | Boolean |
Eigenschaft | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
JSON (Schreibgeschützt) | Returns an Esri JSON representation of the geometry as a string. Tipp:The returned string can be converted to a dictionary using the json module's loads function. | String |
WKB (Schreibgeschützt) | Returns the well-known binary (WKB) representation for OGC geometry. It provides a portable representation of a geometry value as a contiguous stream of bytes. | Bytearray |
WKT (Schreibgeschützt) | Returns the well-known text (WKT) representation for OGC geometry. It provides a portable representation of a geometry value as a text string. Any true curves in the geometry will be densified into approximate curves in the WKT string. | String |
area (Schreibgeschützt) | The area of a polygon feature. It is zero for all other feature types. | Double |
centroid (Schreibgeschützt) | The true centroid if it is within or on the feature; otherwise, the label point is returned. | Point |
extent (Lesen und schreiben) | The extent of the geometry. | Extent |
firstPoint (Schreibgeschützt) | The first coordinate point of the geometry. | Point |
hasCurves (Schreibgeschützt) | Returns True if the geometry has a curve. | Boolean |
hullRectangle (Schreibgeschützt) | A space-delimited string of the coordinate pairs of the convex hull rectangle. | String |
isMultipart (Schreibgeschützt) | Returns True if the number of parts for this geometry is more than one. | Boolean |
labelPoint (Schreibgeschützt) | The point at which the label is located. The labelPoint is always located within or on a feature. | Point |
lastPoint (Schreibgeschützt) | The last coordinate of the feature. | Point |
length (Schreibgeschützt) | The length of the linear feature. It is zero for point and multipoint feature types. | Double |
length3D (Lesen und schreiben) | The 3D length of the linear feature. It is zero for point and multipoint feature types. | Double |
partCount (Schreibgeschützt) | The number of geometry parts for the feature. | Integer |
pointCount (Schreibgeschützt) | The total number of points for the feature. | Integer |
spatialReference (Schreibgeschützt) | The spatial reference of the geometry. | SpatialReference |
trueCentroid (Schreibgeschützt) | The center of gravity for a feature. | Point |
type (Schreibgeschützt) | The geometry type: polygon, polyline, point, multipoint, multipatch, dimension, or annotation. | String |
Methode | Erläuterung |
angleAndDistanceTo (other, {method}) | Returns a tuple of angle and distance to another point using a measurement type. |
boundary () | Constructs the boundary of the geometry. ![]() |
buffer (distance) | Constructs a polygon at a specified distance from the geometry. ![]() |
clip (envelope) | Constructs the intersection of the geometry and the specified extent. ![]() |
contains (second_geometry, {relation}) | Indicates if the base geometry contains the comparison geometry. contains is the opposite of within. Only True relationships are shown in this illustration. ![]() |
convexHull () | Constructs the geometry that is the minimal bounding polygon such that all outer angles are convex. ![]() |
crosses (second_geometry) | Gibt an, ob die beiden Geometrien sich in einer Geometrie mit einem geringeren Shape-Typ überschneiden. Zwei Polylinien kreuzen sich, wenn sie nur Punkte gemeinsam haben, von denen mindestens einer kein Endpunkt ist. Eine Polylinie und ein Polygon kreuzen sich, wenn sie im Inneren des Polygons eine Polylinie oder einen Punkt (für eine vertikale Linie) gemeinsam haben, die bzw. der nicht der gesamten Polylinie entspricht. Only True relationships are shown in this illustration. ![]() |
cut (cutter) | Splits this geometry into a part left of the cutting polyline, and a part right of it. When a polyline or polygon is cut, it is split where it intersects the cutter polyline. Each piece is classified as left of or right of the cutter. This classification is based on the orientation of the cutter line. Parts of the target polyline that do not intersect the cutting polyline are returned as part of the right of result for that input polyline. If a geometry is not cut, the left geometry will be empty (None). ![]() |
difference (other) | Constructs the geometry that is composed only of the region unique to the base geometry but not part of the other geometry. The following illustration shows the results when the red polygon is the source geometry. ![]() |
disjoint (second_geometry) | Gibt an, ob die Basis- und die Vergleichsgeometrie keine gemeinsamen Punkte aufweisen. Zwei Geometrien überschneiden sich, wenn disjoint den Wert False zurückgibt. Only True relationships are shown in this illustration. ![]() |
distanceTo (other) | Returns the minimum distance between two geometries. The distance is in the units of the geometry's spatial reference. If the geometries intersect, the minimum distance is 0. Both geometries must have the same projection. |
equals (second_geometry) | Indicates if the base and comparison geometries are of the same shape type and define the same set of points in the plane. This is a 2D comparison only; M and Z values are ignored. Only True relationships are shown in this illustration. ![]() |
getPart ({index}) | Returns an Array object of Point objects for a particular part of the geometry if an index is specified. If an index is not specified, an Array object containing an Array of Point objects for each geometry part is returned. The getPart method is equivalent to indexing an object; that is, obj.getPart(0) is equivalent to obj[0]. |
intersect (other, dimension) | Constructs a geometry that is the geometric intersection of the two input geometries. Different dimension values can be used to create different shape types. The intersection of two geometries of the same shape type is a geometry containing only the regions of overlap between the original geometries. ![]() For faster results, test if the two geometries are disjoint before calling intersect. |
overlaps (second_geometry) | Gibt an, üb die Überschneidung der beiden Geometrien denselben Shape-Typ wie eine der Eingabegeometrien aufweist, aber keiner der Eingabegeometrien entspricht. Only True relationships are shown in this illustration. ![]() |
projectAs (spatial_reference, {transformation_name}) | Projects a geometry and optionally applies a geotransformation. To project, the geometry must have a spatial reference, and not have an unknown coordinate system. The new spatial reference system passed to the method defines the output coordinate system. If either spatial reference is unknown, the coordinates will not be changed. The z- and m-values are not changed by the projectAs method. |
symmetricDifference (other) | Constructs the geometry that is the union of two geometries minus the instersection of those geometries. The two input geometries must be the same shape type. ![]() |
touches (second_geometry) | Indicates if the boundaries of the geometries intersect. Two geometries touch when the intersection of the geometries is not empty, but the intersection of their interiors is empty. For example, a point touches a polyline only if the point is coincident with one of the polyline end points. Only True relationships are shown in this illustration. ![]() |
union (other) | Constructs the geometry that is the set-theoretic union of the input geometries. The two geometries being unioned must be the same shape type. ![]() |
within (second_geometry, {relation}) | Indicates if the base geometry is within the comparison geometry. within is the opposite operator of contains. Only True relationships are shown in this illustration. ![]() The base geometry is within the comparison geometry if the base geometry is the intersection of the geometries and the intersection of their interiors is not empty. within is a Clementini operator, except in the case of an empty base geometry. |
angleAndDistanceTo (other, {method})
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
other | The second geometry. | PointGeometry |
method | PLANAR measurements reflect the projection of geographic data onto the 2D surface (in other words, they will not take into account the curvature of the earth). GEODESIC, GREAT_ELLIPTIC, LOXODROME, and PRESERVE_SHAPE measurement types may be chosen as an alternative, if desired.
(Der Standardwert ist GEODESIC) | String |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
tuple | Returns a tuple of angle (in degrees) and distance (in meters) to another point. |
boundary ()
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Object | A polygon's boundary is a polyline. A polyline's boundary is a multipoint, corresponding to the endpoints of the line. A point or multipoint's boundary is an empty point or multipoint. |
buffer (distance)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
distance | The buffer distance. The buffer distance is in the same units as the geometry that is being buffered. A negative distance can only be specified against a polygon geometry. | Double |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Polygon | The buffered polygon geometry. |
clip (envelope)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
envelope | An Extent object used to define the clip extent. | Extent |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Object | An output geometry clipped to the specified extent. |
contains (second_geometry, {relation})
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
second_geometry | A second geometry. | Object |
relation | The spatial relationship type.
(Der Standardwert ist None) | String |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Boolean |
A return Boolean value of True indicates this geometry contains the second geometry. |
convexHull ()
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Object | The resulting geometry. The convex hull of a single point is the point itself. |
crosses (second_geometry)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
second_geometry | A second geometry. | Object |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Boolean | Der boolesche Rückgabetyp "True" gibt an, dass sich die beiden Geometrien in einer Geometrie mit einem geringeren Shape-Typ schneiden. |
cut (cutter)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
cutter | The cutting polyline geometry. | PolyLine |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Geometry | A list of two geometries. |
difference (other)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
other | A second geometry. | Object |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Object | The resulting geometry. |
disjoint (second_geometry)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
second_geometry | A second geometry. | Object |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Boolean | Der boolesche Rückgabetyp "True" gibt an, dass die beiden Geometrien keine gemeinsamen Punkte aufweisen. |
distanceTo (other)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
other | A second geometry. | Object |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Double | The distance between the two geometries. |
equals (second_geometry)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
second_geometry | A second geometry. | Object |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Boolean |
A return Boolean value of True indicates that the two geometries are of the same shape type and define the same set of points in the plane. |
getPart ({index})
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
index | The index position of the geometry. | Integer |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Array | The resultant Array object. |
intersect (other, dimension)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
other | The second geometry. | Object |
dimension | The topological dimension (shape type) of the resulting geometry.
| Integer |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Object | A new geometry (point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon) that is the geometric intersection of the two input geometries. |
overlaps (second_geometry)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
second_geometry | A second geometry. | Object |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Boolean | Der boolesche Rückgabetyp True gibt an, dass die Überschneidung der beiden Geometrien dieselbe Dimension wie eine der Eingabegeometrien aufweist. |
projectAs (spatial_reference, {transformation_name})
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
spatial_reference | The new spatial reference. This can be a SpatialReference object or the coordinate system name. | SpatialReference |
transformation_name | The geotransformation name. | String |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Object | The projected geometry. |
symmetricDifference (other)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
other | A second geometry. | Object |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Object | The resulting geometry. |
touches (second_geometry)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
second_geometry | A second geometry. | Object |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Boolean | A return Boolean value of True indicates the boundaries of the geometries intersect. |
union (other)
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
other | A second geometry. | Object |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Object | The resulting geometry. |
within (second_geometry, {relation})
Parameter | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
second_geometry | A second geometry. | Object |
relation | The spatial relationship type.
(Der Standardwert ist None) | String |
Datentyp | Erläuterung |
Boolean | A return Boolean value of True indicates this geometry is contained within the second geometry. |
Create a polyline feature class from scratch.
import arcpy
# A list of features and coordinate pairs
feature_info = [[[1, 2], [2, 4], [3, 7]],
[[6, 8], [5, 7], [7, 2], [9, 5]]]
# A list that will hold each of the Multipoint objects
features = []
for feature in feature_info:
# Create a Multipoint object based on the array of points
# Append to the list of Multipoint objects
arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*coords) for coords in feature])))
# Persist a copy of the Polyline objects using CopyFeatures
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(features, "c:/geometry/multipoints.shp")