Configure the Error Inspector pane

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Mit der Data Reviewer-Lizenz verfügbar.

Error features captured by Reviewer validation rules are stored in the error layers. Errors can be reviewed in the Error Inspector pane during quality assurance workflows.

Once a dataset has been evaluated using attributes rules, use the Error Inspector pane and Details tab to view information about each error feature.

Learn more about managing attribute rule errors

Display error life cycle

The Error Inspector supports reporting of the error life cycle phase of errors created using Reviewer validation rules. Perform the following steps to display the status of error results:

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click a layer containing data to be evaluated and click Add Error Layers Gruppen-Layer.

    Point, polyline, polygon and object error layers are added to the map in a new group layer named Error Layers.

  2. On the Edit tab, in the Manage Edits group, click Error Inspector Fehler-Inspektor.

    The Error Inspector pane opens and displays any existing error results.

  3. On the Error Inspector toolbar, click the Menu button Menü and click Show Status to display the Phase and Status columns.
    Phase and Status columns in the Error Inspector pane

    To turn off the columns if the life cycle management of errors is unnecessary, uncheck the Show Status option from the Menu Menü.

    Learn more about error results and their life cycle

Filter error features

You can refine the list of errors displayed in the Error Inspector pane by applying filters. You can apply multiple filter types to errors displayed in the pane. For example, you can filter errors by Phase and Severity to identify active errors that most severely impact data quality.

Perform the following steps to filter the display of error results:

  1. In the Error Inspector pane, in the Filter group, click Fields Felder.
    Fields filter options
  2. In the Fields menu, expand a filter type to display the list of values applicable to the filter type.
    Fields filter option values
  3. Apply filter types as required.
  4. Click Close to dismiss the menu and display the errors that meet the filter criteria.