Prepare a map for use in Indoor Space Planner

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Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.

Indoor Space Planner allows you to assign people to individual spaces or activity-based work areas and define these work areas for hot desks or office hotels. The app must be configured to use a web map with either map image layers or feature layers, or a web map with a combination of both depending on your hosting environment. You can use ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online to share your web maps based on your organization’s needs.

Web maps published to an Enterprise portal or ArcGIS Online for Space Planner provide a similar app experience but differ in the way the web maps are set up and shared. Sharing a web map to your Enterprise portal requires setting up branch versioning in your Enterprise geodatabase and enabling version management for the editable web layers when publishing. This is required by the Space Planner app to support space plan management.

Sharing a web map to ArcGIS Online only requires publishing feature layer-based web maps to support visualization and space plan management workflows. Consult your organization administrator before choosing an environment for deploying the app.

Required datasets

The first thing to do to get your map ready for use in Space Planner is to ensure that your data can be used in Indoors. This data must conform to the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model. Maps that will be used in Space Planner must have the following feature classes and stand-alone table populated in the Indoors geodatabase:

  • Occupant features
  • Units
  • Levels
  • Facilities
  • Areas table

  • Use the Generate Occupant Features geoprocessing tool to create occupant features.
  • Set the ASSIGNMENT_TYPE values for Units features to not assignable for spaces that should not be used for space assignment and planning, such as kitchens, restrooms, storage rooms, and circulation areas.
  • You can prepopulate your data with activity-based work assignments for use in Space Planner to fast track your planning task. For example, you can map Units features to office hotels or hot desk areas as assignable spaces. You can also fill in information for occupants already assigned to spaces. This is optional and can be done later in the app.
  • If you're sharing to an Enterprise portal using branch versioning, enable branch versioning in the Enterprise geodatabase connection before loading data from the connection to the map.

Learn more about loading data into the Indoors geodatabase

Recommended datasets

You can add the Details dataset to your Space Planner map. It describes your facility’s linear asset footprint.

Optional datasets

You may need to include datasets for points of interest (POIs) or events in Space Planner. For example, to add a layer for exits, you can filter exits from the PointsOfInterest feature class in the Indoors model.


Apply the appropriate definition query to these layers. For example, if you're adding a layer for Places + Things, update the definition query to CATEGORY_TYPE="Places + Things".


Be careful when including map layers derived from the required layers for Space Planner. For example, only the units layer should include the ASSIGNMENT_TYPE attribute, and only the occupants layer should include the AREA_ID attribute. Make sure that layers derived from units and occupants layers do not include these values or the Space Planner app might not load the map properly.

You can also add datasets to your Space Planner map to help visualize and aid in space assignment workflows. For example, you can use the Zones feature class to add your organizational areas and view them on the map.

Enterprise map layers and base data

When preparing a map to share with Enterprise for use in the Space Planner app, you must set up the ArcGIS Indoors workspace in an Enterprise geodatabase with branch versioning enabled.

In Space Planner, you also must register the following datasets as versioned:

  • People
  • Units
  • Areas

To protect the default version from accidental edits, modify version properties.

You must prepare two maps for use in Space Planner when sharing to an Enterprise portal.

Prepare the versioned feature layers

Complete the following steps to create and prepare the feature layers for use in Space Planner:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. If necessary, sign in to your Enterprise portal.
  3. Open the project that contains your Indoors geodatabase.
  4. Click the Insert tab and click the New Map button New Map to create a map.
  5. Add the layers listed in the following table and set the corresponding recommended visibility:

    LayerRecommended layer visibility






    Not applicable (stand-alone table)

    • A best practice is to combine branched version layers from a map into a single web layer to administer the feature layer.
  6. Set the layers' visible scale range as necessary.
  7. Set the layers' symbology properties according to the following:

    Details and Units layers

    Set according to the USE_TYPE attribute.

    <Points of interest> layers

    Set according to the CATEGORY_SUBTYPE attribute.

    People and Events layers

    Use an empty point symbol (no color or outline, and size 1).


    Use caution when applying symbols for POI layers that have dense coverage. For example, offices are symbolized by the color of the unit polygon and shouldn't have individual point symbols.

  8. Turn on labeling for Units (NAME attribute), People (KNOWNAS attribute), and any POI features that require a label.
  9. Set the display field in the layer properties for People, if present, to KNOWNAS and all other map layers to NAME.
  10. Enable pop-ups for any additional layers you want to identify on the map.

    Configure pop-ups for layers that you want to interact with on the map in Space Planner.

  11. Ensure that the map has a coordinate system set for Current XY such as the WGS 1984 Web Mercator auxiliary sphere.
  12. Rename the map to make it easily identifiable and complete all metadata fields.
  13. Set the display extent of the map to display all of the map data.
  14. If enabled, disable the range slider in the map.

    This is important. An enabled range slider can prevent data from being shared to Indoors web apps.

  15. Add any Esri-hosted basemaps or custom basemaps to the map.

    Configure a basemap to choose between an Esri-hosted basemap or a custom vector tile package basemap.

  16. Clear all feature selections.

This map is ready for you to publish and share as a web feature layer to your Enterprise portal. Prepare the second map and share it as a web map to your Enterprise portal to combine it with the map you just prepared.

Prepare the base data web map

A web map must contain all map image layers and feature layers required by Indoors. Complete the following steps to create a map that supports visualization in Space Planner:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. If necessary, sign in to your Enterprise portal.
  3. Open the project that contains your Indoors geodatabase.
  4. Click the Insert tab and click the New Map button New Map to create a map.
  5. Add the layers listed in the following table and set the corresponding recommended visibility:

    LayerRecommended layer visibility

    <Points of interest> layers








  6. Set the layers' visible scale range as necessary.
  7. Set the layers' symbology properties according to the following:

    Details and Units layers

    Set according to the USE_TYPE attribute.

    <Points of interest> layers

    Set according to the CATEGORY_SUBTYPE attribute.

    People and Events layers

    Use an empty point symbol (no color or outline, and size 1).


    Use caution when applying symbols for POI layers that have dense coverage. For example, offices are symbolized by the color of the unit polygon and shouldn't have individual point symbols.

  8. Turn on labeling for Units (NAME attribute), People (KNOWNAS attribute), and any POI features that require a label.
  9. Set the display field in the layer properties for People, if present, to KNOWNAS and all other map layers to NAME.
  10. Enable pop-ups for any additional layers you want to identify on the map.

    Configure pop-ups for layers that you want to interact with on the map in Space Planner.

  11. Ensure that the map has a coordinate system set for Current XY such as the WGS 1984 Web Mercator auxiliary sphere.
  12. Rename the map to make it easily identifiable and complete all metadata fields.
  13. Set the display extent of the map to display all of the map data.
  14. If enabled, disable the range slider in the map.

    This is important. An enabled range slider can prevent data from being shared to Indoors web apps.

  15. Add any Esri-hosted basemaps or custom basemaps to the map.

    Configure a basemap to choose between an Esri-hosted basemap or a custom vector tile package basemap.

  16. Clear all feature selections.

This map is ready for you to publish and share as a web map to your Enterprise portal. You'll add the versioned web feature layer you prepared to this web map when you configure a web map for Space Planner in the portal.

Prepare a map to share to ArcGIS Online

When preparing a map to share to ArcGIS Online for use in Space Planner, you'll create a single map. You'll add all the necessary layers to the map and share them to ArcGIS Online as hosted feature layers. The web map must contain all the map image layers and feature layers required by Indoors.


Confirm the Indoors extension is licensed in your ArcGIS Online account.

Complete the following steps to create and prepare a map for use in Space Planner:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Sign in to your ArcGIS Online account, if necessary.
  3. Open the project that contains your Indoors geodatabase.
  4. Click the Insert tab and click the New Map button New Map to create a map.
  5. Add the layers listed in the following table and set the corresponding visibility:
  6. LayerVisibility

    <Points of interest> layers or Events













    Not applicable (stand-alone table)

  7. Set the layers' visible scale range as necessary.
  8. Set the layers' symbology properties according to the following:

    Details and Units layers

    Set according to the USE_TYPE attribute.

    <Points of interest> layers

    Set according to the CATEGORY_SUBTYPE attribute.

    People and Events layers

    Use an empty point symbol (no color or outline, and size 1).


    Use caution when applying symbols for POI layers that have dense coverage. For example, offices are symbolized by the color of the unit polygon and shouldn't have individual point symbols.

  9. Turn on labeling for Units (NAME attribute), People (KNOWNAS attribute), and any POI features that require a label.
  10. Set the display field in the layer properties for People, if present, to KNOWNAS and all other map layers to NAME.
  11. Enable pop-ups for any additional layers you want to identify on the map.

    Configure pop-ups for layers that you want to interact with on the map in Space Planner.

  12. Ensure that the map has a coordinate system set for Current XY such as the WGS 1984 Web Mercator auxiliary sphere.
  13. Rename the map to make it easily identifiable and complete all metadata fields.
  14. Set the display extent of the map to display all of the map data.
  15. If enabled, disable the range slider in the map.

    This is important. An enabled range slider can prevent data from being shared to Indoors web apps.

  16. Add any Esri-hosted basemaps or custom basemaps to the map.

    Configure a basemap to choose between an Esri-hosted basemap or a custom vector tile package basemap.

  17. Clear all feature selections.

The map is ready for you to publish and share as a web map to ArcGIS Online for use in Space Planner.

Configure a basemap

A basemap is an important part of an indoor map that provides context and perspective for what's nearby. Due to its large scale, a vector basemap is recommended. Unlike image tile basemaps, vector tile basemaps are smaller and support higher levels of detail.

Depending on your organization's needs, you can use one of the online basemap services hosted by Esri or author a custom basemap. The following sections provide the necessary steps to configure a basemap for Indoors.

Use an Esri-hosted basemap

In ArcGIS Pro, you can add basemaps from the Basemap gallery in the Layer group on the Map tab. Depending on how your active portal is configured, the gallery can include the default Esri basemaps, maps shared to your organization's basemap gallery group, and basemaps you added to your project in ArcGIS Pro.

You can also add Esri vector basemaps to your map by completing the following steps:

  1. Copy the URL for the vector basemap you want to add.
  2. Click the Add Data drop-down arrow in the Layer group.
  3. Choose the Data From Path option.

    The Add Data From Path dialog box appears.

  4. Paste the URL.
  5. Click Add.

Use a custom basemap hosted on your Enterprise portal

To use a custom basemap hosted on your Enterprise portal, complete these steps:

  1. Author a custom basemap.
  2. Create a vector tile package using the Create Vector Tile Package tool.

    When you run the Create Vector Tile Package tool, make the following adjustments to provide support for an indoor level of detail and scale the tile down by a factor of 17:

    1. Uncheck the Package for ArcGIS Online | Bing Maps | Google Maps check box.
    2. Choose the VectorBasemapTilingScheme.xml file included in the Indoors symbology resources, for the Tiling scheme parameter.
  3. Share the vector tile package to your Enterprise portal.
  4. Sign in to your Enterprise portal in your browser and publish your vector tile package as a hosted layer.
  5. Add the Enterprise portal items to your map in ArcGIS Pro.

    Alternatively, if you have the hosted tile layer URL, you can copy and paste it into the Add Data From Path dialog box by clicking the Add Data drop-down arrow in the Layer group and choosing Data From Path.

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