Share a mobile map package for Indoors mobile apps

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Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.

A mobile map package consolidates maps into a single file (MMPK) that can be shared with your ArcGIS Enterprise portal or ArcGIS Online organization. These maps can be accessed on your mobile devices for use by the ArcGIS Indoors mobile apps.

  • Mobile map packages archive the data in the map, making it available for offline use. They can also include web layers as connected layers referencing online content.
  • The following layers are supported to connect and reference online content:
    • People
    • Events
    • <Points of interest> layers
    • <Work order> layers
  • Floor plan layers like Details, Levels, Facilities should not reference online content.
  • Layers and tables related to office hotels can reference online content.
  • Online content can only reference feature service based layers.
  • All layers in the map should have unique names.

Create and share a mobile map package without web layers

Choose this option to create and share a mobile map package without a web layer.

  1. Open the map created while preparing the map for Indoors mobile apps.
  2. On the Share tab, in the Package group, click Mobile Map New Mobile Map Package.

    The Package Mobile Map pane appears.

  3. For the Start Packaging parameter, choose Upload package to Online account.

    If you’re not signed into your Enterprise portal or your ArcGIS Online organization, you’re prompted to sign in.

  4. Complete the Name and Summary fields.
  5. Add a tag named ArcGIS Indoors in the Tags field.

    The mobile map package must have an ArcGIS Indoors tag to be recognized by the Indoors mobile apps.

  6. For the Options parameter, choose Current Display Extent.
  7. Specify the portal or organization location where the package should be saved.
  8. For the Share with parameter, choose the appropriate option.
  9. Click Analyze and ensure there aren't any errors.
  10. Click Package to start.

The mobile map package is created and shared to your Enterprise portal or ArcGIS Online organization and can be downloaded and viewed in the Indoors mobile apps.

Create and share a mobile map package with web layers

Choose this option to create a mobile map package that includes online-referenced web layers.

  1. Open the Create Mobile Map Package (Data Management) geoprocessing tool.
  2. For the Input Map parameter, choose the map created while preparing the map for Indoors mobile apps.

    You can choose multiple maps created for Indoors mobile apps.

  3. Click the Output File browse button to specify a location for the output file on your system and enter a name for the mobile map package.
  4. Click the Extent drop-down arrow and choose Current Display Extent.
  5. Complete the Title and Summary fields.
  6. Add a tag named ArcGIS Indoors in the Tags field.

    The mobile map package must have a tag named ArcGIS Indoors to be recognized by the Indoors mobile app.

  7. Check the Reference Online Content check box to connect the web feature layer.

    Only the People, Events, points of interest layers, work order layers, and layers related to office hotels are supported. Leaving the option unchecked adds the web feature layer as disconnected and archives the data in the map package.

  8. Click Run.

    The mobile map package is created and saved on your system.

  9. Open the Share Package (Data Management) geoprocessing tool.
  10. In the Input Package field, browse to and choose the mobile map package you created in the step above.
  11. Complete the Summary and Tags fields.

    The tool automatically populates Summary and Tags fields for the chosen mobile map package with the values set during package creation to include an ArcGIS Indoors tag. You can modify them if required, but a tag named ArcGIS Indoors is necessary for the package to be recognized by the Indoors mobile apps.

  12. Specify how the package will be shared per your organization's needs.
  13. Click Run.

    The mobile map package is shared to your Enterprise portal or ArcGIS Online organization and can be downloaded and viewed in the Indoors mobile apps.

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