Connect to Dameng from ArcGIS

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

To connect to a Dameng database from an ArcGIS client, install and configure the DM client on your ArcGIS client machines.

Once the DM client is configured on all your ArcGIS client machines, create a database connection file.

To publish ArcGIS Server web services that reference the data in your Dameng database, register the database connection file with your ArcGIS Server sites.

Connect from ArcGIS Pro

To connect from an ArcGIS Pro project to Dameng, install the DM client on the ArcGIS Pro machine and create a database connection.

Install the DM client

Obtain the 64-bit DM client from Dameng and install it on the ArcGIS Pro machine. Follow instructions provided by Dameng to install the client.

Connect to the database

Add a database connection using the Database Connection dialog box or Create Database Connection tool. The following steps describe using the Database Connection dialog box.

  1. Right-click Databases in the Catalog pane and click New Database Connection.
  2. Choose Dameng from the Database Platform drop-down list.
  3. In the Data source text box, type the name of the server where Dameng is installed.
  4. Choose Database authentication for the Authentication Type.
  5. Provide a valid user name and password in the User name and Password text boxes, respectively.
  6. Uncheck Save user name and password if you prefer not to save your login information as part of the connection; doing this can help maintain the security of the database. However, if you do this, you will be prompted to provide a user name and password every time you connect.


    Save user name and password must be checked for connection files that you register with an ArcGIS Server site, or if you want to search ArcGIS Pro to locate data accessed through this connection file.

  7. Click OK to connect.

Connect from ArcGIS Server

If you will be publishing Dameng data from ArcMap to an ArcGIS Server site or from ArcGIS Pro to your portal's federated ArcGIS Server sites and want the resultant services to use the data in your Dameng database, do the following:

Install the DM client

Obtain the 64-bit DM client installation from Dameng and install it on all machines in your ArcGIS Server sites. Follow instructions provided by Dameng to install the client.

Alter the script (Linux only)

Once you have installed the database client files, alter the script installed with ArcGIS Server to reference the client files. You can access this script by browsing to the <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/usr directory.

On most Linux operating systems, you must also create a link from the library version on your machine to

  1. Ensure that the ArcGIS Server installation owner on each machine has at least read and execute permissions on the database client libraries.
  2. Open the script in a text editor.
  3. Remove the comment marks (#) from the lines beginning with export and provide the path to your DM client installation.

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # Modify this section to configure a connection to Dameng.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    #export DAMENGDIR=<Dameng_InstallDir> 

  4. Save and close the script.
  5. The DM client requires the library. If you have a different version of the library, you must create a soft link to reference

    In this example, a link is created between and

    ln -s /usr/lib64/

  6. After you have configured the on each machine in your ArcGIS Server site, run the script on each machine to restart ArcGIS Server.


Register the database

If you want your web services to use the data in your Dameng database, register the database with your ArcGIS Server sites. See Manage registered data stores for instructions.