Get started with a StreetMap Premium file geodatabase

This ArcGIS 2.7 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium is available in file geodatabase format (.gdb file). For licensed users, the .gdb file is available for download from My Esri.

Before you download and use the .gdb file, you must install a StreetMap Premium license file (.sdlic), which is available through Esri Customer Service. You can review license information in ArcGIS Pro to verify that the *.sdlic license file is enabled. Once the .gdb file is available in ArcGIS Pro, you can use the mapping, geocoding, and routing functionality.

Install a StreetMap Premium license file

You must install a StreetMap Premium license file (*.sdlic) before you can work with the file geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro. Install the license as an administrator through ArcGIS Pro. A license must be installed on each computer that will access the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium dataset through ArcGIS.


The .sdlic file is a data license file attached to the StreetMap Premium file geodatabase and is separate from ArcGIS Pro software licenses. The file geodatabase format can be used with Named User, Single Use, or Concurrent Use software licenses.

Review license information in ArcGIS Pro

To verify that your StreetMap Premium license file (*.sdlic) is installed, go to the Project tab in ArcGIS Pro, click Licensing, and click the Manage your data licensing button. Your current *.sdlic data licenses should be listed in the dialog box. If no licenses appear, use the Add button to find and install the license file. You must have administrator privileges to install *.sdlic license files.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Click the Project tab.
  3. Click Licensing.
  4. Click the Manage your data licensing button.

    The StreetMap Premium license file (*.sdlic) that is installed is listed under License Name in the table.

    Manage Data Licenses pane showing the StreetMap Premium license file (*.sdlic)


    If a StreetMap Premium license file (*.sdlic) is not listed or is unavailable, you cannot use the file geodatabase. Contact Esri Customer Service to obtain a license file.

Download the file geodatabase from My Esri and add data to ArcGIS Pro

The StreetMap Premium file geodatabase is available for licensed users from the My Esri download page. Sign in to your My Esri account to see the download files for the file geodatabase, locators, and documentation (including Quick-Start Guide and Release Notes). All download files are in 7z format, and the data may span multiple files (so all files must be downloaded for the files to unzip correctly). If you do not already have 7-Zip installed on your computer, you will need to install this free software from

Import the StreetMap Premium map document

Once all the files are downloaded from My Esri and unzipped on your computer, import the StreetMap Premium map document (.mxd file) to ArcGIS Pro. You can also add other data layers from the file geodatabase to your ArcGIS Pro project, including the Routing_ND network dataset for routing functionality, or add a locator to access geocoding capabilities. See the Geocoding and Routing sections below for more information.

  1. On the Insert tab, click Import Map Import Map.
  2. Browse to the location on your computer where you saved the .mxd file and click it to add it to the project.
  3. Save the ArcGIS Pro project (.aprx file) so you don't have to import the .mxd file again.
  4. On the Map tab, use the Add Data button to add other data layers from the file geodatabase to your map, such as the Routing_ND network dataset for routing functionality.
  5. In the Catalog pane, click the Project tab, go to the Locators folder, and right-click a locator to add it to your ArcGIS Pro project for geocoding capability.

The mapping, geocoding, and routing functionality are ready to use in ArcGIS Pro.


See Geocode with StreetMap Premium classic locators in ArcGIS Pro and Geocode with StreetMap Premium new locators in ArcGIS Pro for information on using StreetMap Premium geocoding functionality.


There are two sets of locators included in StreetMap Premium. The classic locators are those that have been included with StreetMap Premium over the last few years but will be deprecated in 2021. The new locators are a new style of locators similar to those used for the ArcGIS Online World Geocoding Service. Both the classic and new locators are included with the StreetMap Premium file geodatabase.


See Routing with StreetMap Premium in ArcGIS Pro for information on using StreetMap Premium routing functionality.