ArcGIS Pro 2.7 API Reference Guide
GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList Method (GeometryEngine)

ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace > GeometryEngine Class : GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList Method
The type of coordinate systems in the list. Geographic, Projected, and Vertical coordinate system categories are supported. Can be used as a bit mask to get multiple types in one list.
Gets the list of predefined coordinate systems for the given filter.
public IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList( 
   CoordinateSystemFilter filter
Public Function GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList( _
   ByVal filter As CoordinateSystemFilter _
) As IReadOnlyList(Of CoordinateSystemListEntry)


The type of coordinate systems in the list. Geographic, Projected, and Vertical coordinate system categories are supported. Can be used as a bit mask to get multiple types in one list.

Return Value

A read-only list of CoordinateSystemListEntry.
// get all the geographic coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> gcs_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.GeographicCoordinateSystem);

// get the projected coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> proj_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.ProjectedCoordinateSystem);

// get the vertical coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> vert_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.VerticalCoordinateSystem);

// get geographic and projected coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> combined_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.GeographicCoordinateSystem | CoordinateSystemFilter.ProjectedCoordinateSystem);

// investigate one of the entries
CoordinateSystemListEntry entry = gcs_list[0];
int wkid = entry.Wkid;
string category = entry.Category;
string name = entry.Name;

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1

See Also


GeometryEngine Class
GeometryEngine Members