ArcGIS Pro 2.7 API Reference Guide
ConvergenceAngle Method

ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace > SpatialReference Class : ConvergenceAngle Method
The point
Gets the grid convergence for this spatial reference at the given point.
public double ConvergenceAngle( 
   Coordinate2D coordinate
Public Function ConvergenceAngle( _
   ByVal coordinate As Coordinate2D _
) As Double


The point

Return Value

The grid convergence in radians. Returns 0 if the spatial reference is a geographic coordinate system. Returns NaN if the point is outside the projection's horizon or on error.
The grid convergence is the angle between True North and Grid North at a point on the map. The grid convergence can be used to convert a horizontal direction expressed as an aziumth in a geographic coordinate system (relative to True North) to a direction expressed as a bearing in a projected coordinate system (relative to Grid North) and vice versa.

The formula to obtain a bearing, b, from an azimuth, a, using the grid convergence, c, returned from this is b = a - c.

The grid convergence returned by this method is positive when Grid North lies east of True North. This sign convention is sometimes named the Gauss-Bomford convention.

Coordinate2D coordinate = new Coordinate2D(10, 30);
double angle = SpatialReferences.WGS84.ConvergenceAngle(coordinate);
// angle = 0

SpatialReference srUTM30N = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(32630);
coordinate.X = 500000;
coordinate.Y = 550000;
angle = srUTM30N.ConvergenceAngle(coordinate);
// angle = 0

MapPoint pointWGS84 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10, 50, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint pointUTM30N = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(pointWGS84, srUTM30N) as MapPoint;

coordinate = (Coordinate2D)pointUTM30N;
// get convergence angle and convert to degrees
angle = srUTM30N.ConvergenceAngle(coordinate) * 180 / Math.PI;
// angle = 10.03

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1

See Also


SpatialReference Class
SpatialReference Members