ArcGIS Pro 2.7 API Reference Guide
GetPoint Method (MultipatchBuilderEx)

ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace > MultipatchBuilderEx Class : GetPoint Method
The patch index. Must be in the range [0, Patches.Count - 1] inclusive.
The point index. Must be in the range [0, Patch.Coords.Count - 1] inclusive.
A convenience method to get the MapPoint from the specified patch at the specified point index.
public MapPoint GetPoint( 
   int patchIndex,
   int pointIndex
Public Function GetPoint( _
   ByVal patchIndex As Integer, _
   ByVal pointIndex As Integer _
) As MapPoint


The patch index. Must be in the range [0, Patches.Count - 1] inclusive.
The point index. Must be in the range [0, Patch.Coords.Count - 1] inclusive.
The pointIndex is less than zero or is greater than or equal to the patch point count.
If this MultipatchBuilderEx has a spatial reference, then the returned MapPoint will have that spatial reference. One difference between this method and Patch.GetPoint is that the MapPoint returned from this method inherits the attribute awareness from this builder. For example, if the Patch.Ms list is null but this builder HasM property is true, then the returned MapPoint HasM property is true, and it has a default M-value. Another difference is that the MapPoint returned from Patch.GetPoint always has a null spatial reference.
// create the multipatchBuilderEx object
var builder = new ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx(multipatch);

// check some properties
bool hasM = builder.HasM;
bool hasZ = builder.HasZ;
bool hasID = builder.HasID;
bool isEmpty = builder.IsEmpty;
bool hasNormals = builder.HasNormals;

var patches = builder.Patches;
int patchCount = patches.Count;

// if there's some patches
if (patchCount > 0)
  int pointCount = builder.GetPatchPointCount(0);

  // replace the first point in the first patch
  if (pointCount > 0)
    // get the first point
    var pt = builder.GetPoint(0, 0);
    builder.SetPoint(0, 0, newPoint);

  // check which patches currently contain the texture
  var texture = builder.QueryPatchIndicesWithTexture(brickTextureResource);

  // assign a texture material
  patches[0].Material = brickMaterialTexture;

// update the builder for M awareness
builder.HasM = true;
// synchronize the patch attributes to match the builder attributes
//   in this instance because we just set HasM to true on the builder, each patch will now get a default M value for it's set of coordinates

// call ToGeometry to get the multipatch
multipatch = builder.ToGeometry() as Multipatch;

// multipatch.HasM will be true

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1

See Also


MultipatchBuilderEx Class
MultipatchBuilderEx Members