ArcGIS Pro 2.7 API Reference Guide
EllipticArcSegment Class Members
Properties  Methods 

ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace : EllipticArcSegment Class

The following tables list the members exposed by EllipticArcSegment.

Public Properties
Public Property Gets the center point of the arc.  
Public Property Gets the central angle in radians.  
Public Property Gets the end angle in radians (measured from a horizontal line through the center point) defining where the arc ends.  
Public PropertyGets the end point of this instance as a Coordinate2D. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Segment)
Public Property Gets the end point of this instance. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Segment)
Public Property Gets if this elliptic arc segment is a portion of the boundary of a 2D circle.  
Public Property Gets if the elliptic arc segment is counter-clockwise.  
Public PropertyOverridden.  Gets if this elliptic arc segment is a curve.  
Public Property Gets if the elliptic arc is a minor arc.  
Public PropertyOverridden.  Gets the 2D length of this elliptic arc segment.  
Public Property Gets the ratio of the semi-minor to the semi-major axis.  
Public Property Gets the rotation angle in radians.  
Public PropertyOverridden. Gets the segment type. This always returns SegmentType.EllipticArc.  
Public Property Gets the semi-major axis. The semi-major axis is the larger of the two axes, and the semi-minor axis is the smaller axis. The semi-major axis always lies on the line between 0 and PI radians.  
Public Property Gets the semi-minor axis. The semi-minor axis is the smaller of the two axes. The semi-minor axis always lies on the line between PI/2 and 3*PI/2 radians.  
Public PropertyGets the spatial reference of the instance. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Segment)
Public Property Gets the start angle in radians. Start angle is adjusted to a value between -PI and +PI.  
Public PropertyGets the start point of this instance as a Coordinate2D. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Segment)
Public Property Gets the start point of this instance. (Inherited from ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Segment)
Public Methods
Public Method Gets the semi-major and semi-minor axes.  
Public Method Copies the center coordinate, start angle, central angle, rotation angle, semi-major/semi-minor axes into the method parameters.  
See Also


EllipticArcSegment Class
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace