Utility network creation and configuration

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Before creating and configuring a utility network, it is important to understand the differences in deployment types and options for configuration. The geodatabase type that stores the utility network will determine the type of deployment, or vice versa. This will impact the configuration, sharing, and licensing of the utility network. You can create and configure a utility network manually by using core tools or using the Utility Network Package Tools to automate the process. After the initial implementation, you can use these same tools to modify the configuration based on changes in the data model.

Review the sections below for details on deployment types and options for configuring a utility network.

Deployment types

There are two deployment types for a utility network. The geodatabase type used to store a utility network will determine the deployment type.

  • Enterprise deployment—The primary deployment pattern for a utility network that employs an enterprise geodatabase. This services-based architecture allows multiuser editing and the sharing of a utility network across all platforms (desktop, mobile, and web).
  • Single-user deployment—An alternate deployment pattern for a utility network stored in a file geodatabase. While concurrent access is enabled for read-only operations, editing operations are limited to a single user.

Reference the following table to review the different properties of each deployment type:

DeploymentNumber of editorsGeodatabase typeArcGIS Pro license levelUser type extension



Enterprise geodatabase


ArcGIS Utility Network



File geodatabase



Manual configuration

A utility network can be created and configured manually using the suite of geoprocessing tools available in the Utility Network Tools toolbox, along with existing ArcGIS Pro functionality and tools. This process can also be scripted. The same tools that are used during the initial phase of implementation can be revisited when additional configuration is needed for the utility network.

See Configure a utility network for more information.

Utility Network Package Tools

You can use the Utility Network Package Tools to automate the process of creating and configuring a utility network using asset packages for specific industry domains. Asset packages can include utility network configuration metadata and data that can be appended as part of the asset package.

You can create and configure a utility network using the following tools:

Asset packages can be user-generated, provided by a business partner, or provided by Esri. The Esri-provided asset packages are available through ArcGIS Solutions, which provides sample industry configurations and data for the following domains:

If an asset package is not available for a specific domain, the utility network can be created and configured manually. The Export Asset Package tool can be used to save configuration metadata after the utility network configuration is complete.

The Utility Network Package Tools toolbox is installed using the Python Package Manager. Additional information about installing the toolbox and using the tools along with information about Esri-provided data models is available in the ArcGIS Solutions Utility Network Package Tools help.