Configure extended properties

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Available with Workflow Manager license.

Extended properties are used to allow each individual organization to store different business-specific properties, depending on their needs. These properties are configured by job type because it is likely that different types of work will have different properties associated with them. ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) allows the configuration of 1–1 relationships (extended properties) and 1–M relationships (linked and related properties). The 1–1 relationship has only one record for each job in the extended property table, whereas the 1–M relationship has multiple records of the properties for each job.

Before you can configure extended properties tables, you must add at least one extended properties table to your Workflow Manager (Classic) repository.

Learn more about creating an extended properties table

  1. Start ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator and connect to your Workflow Manager (Classic) database.
  2. Expand Job Components > Job Types.
  3. Right-click the job type that for which you want to configure extended properties and click Edit Item.

    The Job Type dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Extended Properties tab.

    A list of the tables for which you have created relationships appears in the left panel. The top-level elements in the tree view in the left panel represent the tables related to the Jobs table. The elements in the level below the tables represent each of the fields in the table.

  5. Check the check box next to the fields you want to be visible in Workflow Manager (Classic) for that job type.
  6. Set the order in which the tables appear in the application by selecting a table from the Table Order list and clicking Move Up or Move Down.
  7. Select a table to show a list of the fields currently configured for the job type.

    You can set the order the fields will appear to your users when viewing the extended properties by selecting the field in the Field Order list and clicking Move Up or Move Down.

  8. Click a field and configure the following properties as necessary:
    • Field—The name of the field (read only).
    • Field Alias—Display name of the field.
    • Display Type—The value type of the field. This is dependent on the data type of the field in the table. With the string data type, you have the following options:
      • Text—Presents the user with a text box.
      • File—Allows the user to browse for a file and stores the file path in the extended properties table.
      • Geographic dataset—Allows the user to browse for a geodataset and store its path as the value.
      • Folder—Allows the user to browse for a folder.
      • TableList—Allows the user to pick the field value from a list of values (similar to a domain). The list of values comes from another table that you configure.
      • Multi-level Table List—Allows the user to pick a field value from a list of values that further filters the next field to be picked.
    • Editable—Whether the field can be edited or not.
    • Required—Whether the field value is required or not.
    • User Visible—Whether the field is visible to users.
    • Default Value—The default value placed in the field when the record is created.
  9. Click OK.

    The property configuration is saved.

  10. Repeat these steps for each job type to which you want to add extended properties.

Configure advanced extended properties

ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) allows you to configure complex rules into your extended properties fields. In this section you will focus on how to configure extended properties that filter the values displayed to the user based on the previous selection.

  1. Open Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator and connect to your Workflow Manager (Classic) database.
  2. Expand Job Components > Job Type.
  3. Right-click the job type for which you want to configure extended properties and click Edit Item.

    The Job Type dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Extended Properties tab.
  5. Click the name of the field you want to configure in the list of extended properties tables.
  6. Click the Display Type drop-down arrow and click Multi-level Table List.

    A list of tables in your Workflow Manager (Classic) repository appear in the Table drop-down menu.

  7. Click the Table drop-down arrow and choose a table in the list.
  8. Check the check box next to the fields that you want to use for filtering your display.
  9. Click the Store Field drop-down arrow and select the field that will be populated with the extended properties.
  10. Click OK to save your changes.

    The selected fields will be available for the user to select from when a job of this type is created.