Manage extended properties tables

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Available with Workflow Manager license.

Extended properties allow you to track business-specific information as part of the job. This job element extends the basic job properties (assignment, due date, and so on) with things you are interested in tracking and reporting.

Workflow Manager (Classic) offers two types of extended properties—one to one (1-1) and one to many (1-M, or linked properties). To configure and use extended properties in your job types, you must create a new geodatabase table in the Workflow Manager (Classic) repository. Then, configure Workflow Manager (Classic) to recognize this table as an extension to the rest of the system tables.

Types of table relationships

The following sections describe the supported table relationships in Workflow Manager (Classic).

One-to-one properties

One-to-one properties have a 1-1 relationship with the Workflow Manager (Classic) jobs table. An example of this is the job's assignment. At any time during the life of the job, the job assignment can have only one user or group responsible for it at a time. Configure your extended property table with a 1-1 relationship if your jobs can have only one value for the property.

One-to-one properties are commonly referred to as extended properties.

One-to-many properties

One-to-many properties have a 1-M relationship with the Workflow Manager (Classic) jobs table. An example of this type of relationship is job attachments. Jobs may have only one attachment or may have multiple attachments at any given time during their life cycle. Configure your extended properties table with a 1-M relationship if the job may have multiple values for the property at a time.

One-to-many properties are commonly referred to as linked properties or related information.

Configure extended properties tables

The following sections describe how to create and manage extended properties tables.

Create an extended property table

Extended properties tables need to be created in ArcGIS Pro.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. In the Catalog pane, right-click Databases, and click New Database Connection.

    The Database Connections dialog box appears.

  3. Provide the database connection information for your Workflow Manager (Classic) repository and click OK.

    The database connection appears under the Databases node in the Catalog pane.

  4. Right-click the database connection and click New > Table.

    The Create Table pane appears.

  5. Provide a name for your extended properties table in the Name text box.

    A useful convention is to use WMX_ as the start of the table name, making it recognizable as an extension of the core Workflow Manager (Classic) system tables.

  6. Provide an alias for the table in the Alias text box.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Add a field which can be used to link this table with the jobs table.

    This must be of type Long Integer and will be managed by Workflow Manager (Classic). Typically, this field is called JOB_ID.

  9. Add the fields for each required property.

    You can add fields for multiple job types and only configure visible fields for certain job types.

  10. Click Next.
  11. Choose the configuration keyword that was used during the creation of the workflow database.
  12. Click Finish to create the table.

Add an extended property table

After creating the extended property table for the repository in ArcCatalog, you'll need to add it to the Workflow Manager (Classic) system.

  1. Start the Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator for ArcGIS Pro and connect to your Workflow Manager (Classic) database.
  2. Expand GeoDatabases.
  3. Right-click Extended Property Tables and click Add an extended properties table.

    The Table Relationships dialog box appears.

  4. Provide a name for the table in the Name text box.
  5. Click the Table Name drop-down arrow and select the extended properties table.
  6. Click the Link Field drop-down arrow and choose the field you designed to contain the JOB_ID.

    Only fields with a data type of Long Integer will be shown.

  7. Choose one of the following Cardinality options for the table:
    • One-to-One—Creates a one to one relationship with the jobs table
    • One-to-Many—Creates a one to many relationship with the jobs table
  8. Click OK to create the new relationship.

Now, when editing your job type, the table will appear in Extended Properties tab.

Remove extended properties tables

You can delete extended properties tables that are no longer used from the system. This will remove any association of this table from any of the job types in your system.

  1. Start the Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator for ArcGIS Pro and connect to your Workflow Manager (Classic) database.
  2. Expand GeoDatabases > Extended Properties Tables.
  3. Right-click the table you want to remove and click Delete Item.

Once the table has been removed from the Workflow Manager (Classic) system, you can delete the table from the repository in ArcGIS Pro.