The default namespace for all the classes in the add-in. Use this attribute instead of specifying the full class name (namespace.className) on each of your types.
<xs:elementname="ESRI.Configuration"xmlns:xs=""><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>ESRI Plug-In</xs:documentation></xs:annotation><xs:complexType><xs:all><xs:elementname="Name"type="ST_String"minOccurs="1"><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>
The add-in's name.
A uniquie identifier for the add-in, usually a GUID.
A detailed description of the add-in.
The version of the add-in.
The image to associate with the entire add-in.
The author of the add-in.
The company that developed the add-in.
The date the add-in was created.
The ArcGIS product and version the add-in targets.
A version of the ArcGIS product; for example, '2.3'.