// define a polyline
MapPoint startPointZ = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 5);
MapPoint endPointZ = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(20, 1, 5);
Polyline polylineZ = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List<MapPoint>() { startPointZ, endPointZ });
// define a split point
MapPoint splitPointAboveLine = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10, 10, 10);
bool splitOccurred;
int partIndex;
int segmentIndex;
// split the polyline at the point. dont project the split point onto the line, don't create a new part
var splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, splitPointAboveLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);
// splitOccurred = true
// partIndex = 0
// segmentIndex = 1
// splitPolyline.PointCount = 3
// splitPolyline.PartCount = 1
// splitPolyline coordinates are (1, 1, 5), (10, 10, 10), (20, 1, 5)
// split the polyline at the point. dont project the split point onto the line, do create a new part
splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, splitPointAboveLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);
// splitOccurred = true
// partIndex = 1
// segmentIndex = 0
// splitPolyline.PointCount = 4
// splitPolyline.PartCount = 2
// splitPolyline first part coordinates are (1, 1, 5), (10, 10, 10)
// splitPolyline second part coordinates are (10, 10, 10), (20, 1, 5)
// split the polyline at the point. do project the split point onto the line, don't create a new part
splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, splitPointAboveLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);
// splitOccurred = true
// partIndex = 0
// segmentIndex = 1
// splitPolyline.PointCount = 3
// splitPolyline.PartCount = 1
// splitPolyline coordinates are (1, 1, 5), (10, 10, 5), (20, 1, 5)
// split the polyline at the point. do project the split point onto the line, do create a new part
splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, splitPointAboveLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);
// splitOccurred = true
// partIndex = 1
// segmentIndex = 0
// splitPolyline.PointCount = 4
// splitPolyline.PartCount = 2
// splitPolyline first part coordinates are (1, 1, 5), (10, 10, 5)
// splitPolyline second part coordinates are (10, 10, 5), (20, 1, 5)
// try to split with a point that won't split the line - pt extends beyond the line
var pointAfterLine = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(50, 1, 10);
splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, pointAfterLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);
// splitOccurred = false
// ignore partIndex, sgementIndex
// splitPolyline is the same as polylineZ
/// multipart polygon
List<Coordinate3D> coordsZ = new List<Coordinate3D>()
new Coordinate3D(10,10,5),
new Coordinate3D(10,20,5),
new Coordinate3D(20,20,5),
new Coordinate3D(20,10,5)
List<Coordinate3D> coordsZ_2ndPart = new List<Coordinate3D>()
new Coordinate3D(30,20,10),
new Coordinate3D(30,30,10),
new Coordinate3D(35,28,10),
new Coordinate3D(40,30,10),
new Coordinate3D(40,20,10),
Polygon multipart = null;
// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
var builder = new PolygonBuilder();
builder.HasZ = true;
multipart = builder.ToGeometry();
// pointA is closer to the first part of the multipart - the split occurs in the first part
var pointA = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(22, 18, 7);
var splitPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(multipart, pointA, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);
// splitPolygon.PointCount = 12
// splitPolygon.PartCount = 2
// splitPolygon first part coordinates (10, 10, 5), (10, 20, 5), (20, 20, 5), (22, 18, 7), (20, 10, 5), (10, 10, 5)
// pointB is midPoint between the 2 parts - no split will occur
var pointB = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(25, 20, 7);
splitPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(multipart, pointB, true, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);
// splitOccurred = false
// ignore partIndex, sgementIndex
// splitPolyline is the same as polylineZ