| Class | Description |
| AngularUnit | Represents an angular unit of measure used by a Geometry or SpatialReference, or in measurement conversion functions. |
| AreaUnit |
Represent an area unit of measure.
| BasicMaterial | A Material class describing basic graphic properties. |
| CompositeGeographicTransformation | A composite geographic transformation class is an ordered list of GeographicTransformation classes. The geographic transformations are applied in the order they are stored. |
| CompositeHVDatumTransformation | A composite hv datum transformation class is an ordered list of HVDatumTransformation classes. The hv datum transformations are applied in the order they are stored. |
| CoordinateSystemListEntry |
Provides the wkid, name and category (or region) of a particular coordinate system.
| CubicBezierBuilder | Constructs a third degree CubicBezierSegment for use in a Multipart geometry. |
| CubicBezierBuilderEx | Constructs a third degree CubicBezierSegment for use in a Multipart geometry. |
| CubicBezierSegment | Represents a third degree cubic Bezier curve for use in a Multipart geometry. |
| Datum | Describes the horizontal datum of a geographic coordinate system. It is returned from SpatialReference.Datum. |
| DatumTransformation | An abstract class for datum transformations. Currently, a datum transformation can be a GeographicTransformation or a CompositeGeographicTransformation or HVDatumTransformation or CompositeHVDatumTransformation. |
| EllipticArcBuilder | Constructs an EllipticArcSegment for use in a Multipart geometry. |
| EllipticArcSegment | Represents an elliptic arc segment for use in a Multipart geometry. |
| Envelope |
An envelope is an axis-aligned box described by the coordinates
of the lower left corner and the coordinates of the upper right corner.
| EnvelopeBuilder | Builder for creating an envelope. |
| EnvelopeBuilderEx | A pure .Net builder for creating an Envelope. |
| GenericCOMException |
Thrown when there is a generic COM exception.
| GeodesicEllipseParameter | Options for creating a geodesic ellipse with the GeometryEngine.GeodesicEllipse function. |
| GeodesicSectorParameter | Options for creating a geodesic ellipse with the GeometryEngine.GeodesicSector function. |
| GeographicTransformation |
A geographic transformation is used when
projecting geometries between two different geographic coordinate systems. A geographic
transformation converts everything that needs to be changed including the units,
prime meridian, and the ellipsoid. Every transformation is defined in a particular forward
direction, say from GCS A to GCS B, but all are reversible. For example, a geographic
transformation may be defined to convert from NAD27 to WGS84. If you are projecting from
WGS84 to NAD27, you can use the reversed form of the transformation.
| GeographicTransformationListEntry |
Provides the name, wkid, and wkids of the spatial references from which and to which the data will be projected.
| Geometry |
An abstract base class for objects that define geometric shapes. Geometry objects can be used
as geometry definitions for rendering data.
| GeometryBag |
A class representing a GeometryBag.
| GeometryBagBuilder | Builder for creating a GeometryBag. |
| GeometryBuilder<T> |
An abstract base class for all geometry builders.
| GeometryBuilderEx |
An abstract base class for all pure .Net geometry builders.
| GeometryEngine |
Utility for performing geometric operations.
| GeometryException |
General geometry exception; for example if a geometry type is not supported.
| GeometryObjectException |
Indicates there is a problem with a geometry parameter passed to a GeometryEngine function. For example the geometry is empty or non z-aware (when passed to a function expecting a z-aware geometry).
| GridUnit |
Represents a grid unit for a geographic location.
| HVDatumTransformation |
A hv (horizontal/vertical) datum transformation is used when
projecting z-aware geometries between two different geographic coordinate systems and two
different vertical coordinate systems. As with geographic transformations, a hv datum
transformation converts everything that needs to be changed including the units,
prime meridian, and the ellipsoid. In addition, a hv datum transformation transforms height.
Every transformation is defined in a particular forward direction, but all are reversible.
For example, suppose your z-aware geometry is in WGS84 with vertical coordinate system EGM2008_Geoid,
and you want to project to NAD83_2011 with vertical coordinate system NAD83_2011.
A hv datum transformation is defined to project your z-aware geometry from WGS84 with
vertical coordinate system EGM2008_Geoid to NAD83_2011 with vertical coordinate system NAD83_2011.
If you are projecting from NAD83_2011 with vertical coordinate system NAD83_2011 to
WGS84 with vertical coordinate system EGM2008_Geoid to NAD83_2011, you can use the reversed
form of the transformation.
| InvalidParameterException |
Thrown when a geometry engine parameter is invalid.
| JPEGTexture | A TextureMap that contains a Jpeg image. |
| JSONException |
Thrown when there is a JSON error.
| LinearUnit | Represents a linear unit of measure used by a Geometry or SpatialReference, or in measurement conversion functions. |
| LineBuilder | Builder for creating a LineSegment. |
| LineBuilderEx | Builder for creating a LineSegment. |
| LineSegment | A class representing a straight line between a start and end point for use in a Multipart geometry. |
| MapPoint |
A MapPoint represents a single location in space. The location consists of X and Y values and optionally a Z and/or M value.
| MapPointBuilder | Builder for creating a map point. |
| MapPointBuilderEx | A pure .Net builder for creating a MapPoint. |
| Material |
An abstract Material instance.
| Multipart |
An abstract base class for multipart geometry types.
| MultipartBuilder<T> | Abstract base class for the PolylineBuilder and PolygonBuilder classes. |
| MultipartBuilderEx | An abstract base class that is a pure .NET builder for creating a Polyline or a Polygon. |
| Multipatch |
A class representing a multipatch.
| MultipatchBuilder | Builder for creating a multipatch. |
| MultipatchBuilderEx | A pure .Net builder for creating a Multipatch. |
| Multipoint | A Multipoint is a ordered collection of map points. |
| MultipointBuilder | Builder for creating a Multipoint. |
| MultipointBuilderEx | A pure .NET builder for creating a Multipoint. |
| NullGeometryObjectException |
Indicates the geometry is null or empty.
| OperationException |
Thrown when a geometry operation fails.
| Patch | A class to create a patch for a Multipatch. Use MultipatchBuilderEx to construct a Multipatch from patches. |
| Polygon |
A class representing a polygon.
| PolygonBuilder | Builder for creating a polygon. |
| PolygonBuilderEx | |
| Polyline |
A class representing a polyline.
| PolylineBuilder | Builder for creating a polyline. |
| PolylineBuilderEx | |
| ProjectionEngineException |
Thrown when there is a problem with the projection engine.
| ProjectionTransformation | A projection transformation describes parameters used to project geometries from one spatial reference to another. Used in the GeometryEngine.ProjectEx method. |
| ProximityResult | Result from a GeometryEngine proximity operation such as GeometryEngine.NearestPoint or GeometryEngine.NearestVertex. |
| ReadOnlyPartCollection | A Read-only collection of ReadOnlySegmentCollection parts used by Polyline and Polygon. |
| ReadOnlyPointCollection | A read-only collection of MapPoints. |
| ReadOnlySegmentCollection | A read only collection of Segment classes. |
| Segment | Abstract class representing a start and end point and how they are connected. The most common is a straight line LineSegment. |
| SegmentBuilder | Abstract base class for Builders of all segment types to include:
- Line
- Bezier curve
- Elliptic Arc
| SegmentBuilderEx | Abstract base class for builders of all segment types to include:
- Line
- Bezier curve
- Elliptic Arc
The SegmentBuilderEx methods can be called on any thread. |
| SpatialReference |
Class representing a spatial reference.
| SpatialReferenceBuilder | Builder for creating a SpatialReference. |
| SpatialReferenceImmutableException | Thrown by SpatialReferenceBuilder when attempting to alter a populated spatial reference object. |
| SpatialReferences |
Contains some common spatial references.
| Texture |
An abstract texture class.
| TextureMap | A Texture class that contains a raster image. |
| TextureResource | A texture resource class that wraps a Texture instance. |
| ToGeoCoordinateParameter | A class used as the parameter to MapPoint.ToGeoCoordinateString. |
| UncompressedTexture | A TextureMap that contains a raw uncompressed raster image. |
| Unit | A common base class between all units, linear, area and angular units. |